Ramping up!
Is it just a coincidence that Jill Biden has acquired Covid just as we enter the fall season and they are now warning about the new varient of Covid that requires injections?
A number of events have surfaced that give me great pause.
Japanese scientists report that all the Covid varients are lab produced.
A mysterious illness has developed at the US Tennis Open and has caused health issues for players and attendees. Seeded?
Yale scientists have announced they have a method of taking mRNA injections and aerosolizing them so you don’t need to be injected.
Jill Biden has Covid and the news is spread nation wide by mass media. Is it to create fear or inform? Is it a ruse?
They are warning (CDC) that you need to get injected to counter RSV, Flu and Covid! Three shots? Sounds like a money game pushed by Big Pharma!
Question? If they can aerosolize the RNA, have they already discovered how to aersolize the Covid and the varients and there is a active push to rapidly spread the new varient to create control and fear and lock down society again? In 2020, southern states in US had few Covid cases, but in June of 2020 there was a major spike in cases. Why? Did they actively seed Florida?
Dr. Martin is interviewed and his clarity in analyzing what has transpired is spot on in my opinion. Of course, mainstream media doesn’t give him the time of day and follows the marching orders from Big Pharma. He reports that about 8200 patents have been filed for RNA processes and procedures. It tells me clearly..IT IS A BIG PHARMA MONEY GAME!
He also believes NO ONE in Congress is serious about stopping these medical crimes against Americans!
Judicial system will not pursue these medical crimes
Will the medical mafia/Barda have the audacity to spread the RNA injections to the public by spraying them into the atmosphere, just like spraying Insecticide to kill mosquitos? Gates has already weaponized mosquitos in Florida!
Where are we going with all this preplanned biowarfare activity? God help us!
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh Retired but not senile yet!