This was my response to a recent article by Dr. Paul Alexander:
My view. When you reprogram cellular function, you reallocate essential cellular building components to create spike proteins and you degrade the immune systems ability to function at 100%. It's not space science but understanding that for every action there is a reaction. When you interfere with normal cellular function, you can't control the outcome. It is reflected in the over 1000 ADR's Pfizer publish in their research and they still plowed on! Throwing a mRNA monkey wrench into the complex exquisite cellular biomechanism is the root cause. STOP THE INJECTIONS!
The basic issue is that if we managed the virus properly, we would have looked like Sweden without the economic crisis and there would be NO INFLATION. The reality is that in time we will know that the CURE was worst than the Covid and few would have died with early intervention with the right medical treatment.
Here is his article: Alexander article on Pfizer
Even more disturbing is research out of Australia on a electron microscopic view of a cell which had the mRNA inserted which contains graphene? in the injections that are minature factories, reproducing themselves. Why?
Also, Tucker Carlson addresses depression of Immune system. See video
Tucker Carlson Immune system supression
Finally, a comparison of what happened in Sweden versus the USA and their non-mandated approach to managing the Covid crisis and saving the economy.
See the following chart which shows only a 7% increase in excess deaths compared to almost 8 TIMES in the USA with 54%. Actual deaths from Covid were .2% far less than what Professor Ferguson predicted. Not a pandemic.
Find the analysis here: Covid facts
I have not got a clue because I am a macro analyzer and not a cellular micro scientist! All I know is that man is playing with gods design!
Thanks, good to know. Are there any investigations into the mitochondria? Some evidence the material gets into the nucleus but what about the mitochondrial DNA? Maybe both? A strategy to control both potentially?