Reverse course NOW!
We could have fixed all American societal ills with less than a Trillion dollars that went to waste with the Covid debacle.
Today, I would like to share three articles with my readers.
I'll say it again. We are moving in the wrong direction with our children. We need them to be bright eyed, intelligent and productive in our society for generations to come. That is not what is transpiring. Too much junk food impacts the lower economic groups. Seeing a black father give his 3-year-old son a coke and potato chips for breakfast at a gas station speaks volumes. Children can't learn well if they are nutrient deficient! Confusing the developing mind about sexuality before puberty speaks volumes. Injecting them with way too many vaccines and then foisting the mRNA injections on to them which reprograms cellular function is the ultimate amount of cruelty being delivered to our children. We must stop this now and regain our senses and fix our American way of life now!
The first was on Gab which discusses the off the rails disruptions in our society today and how to fight back.
Fight back and Save this Nation
The second is about a physician (Dr. Leslie Ray Matthews) who I greatly admire for his clear thinking on medical issues and their causes, especielly his views on nutrition for our children and the true medical value of sufficient Vitamin D3. Here is his story on how children in poor neighborhoods in Mississippi exceled in learning when their diet was not junk food. Here is his story on nutrition.
The one million dollars vitamin D/multivitamin nutrition program that I started at my sister, Principal Bessie Matthews Gardner's, Ruleville Central Elementary School in Ruleville, Mississippi in 2004 was the nation's first according to Vitamin Angels president and founder, Howard Schiffer (see first link and video below).93% of the children in this area lived below the poverty level.
I am very glad to see that this program has grown to many cities and countries around the world since 2004. My simple hypothesis was that malnourished/vitamin deficient children have multiple social behavioral problems, poor school attendance, and can't properly learn or focus.
Serve First's commitment to help reach children in the Mississippi Delta has now grown into a campaign in over 50 major cities and 22 countries around the world," says Schiffer.
After only two years of receiving nutritional support from Univera, Gardner and school officials reported a drastic drop in student absences. While a total of 1,992 absences were recorded in 2005, that number dropped to just 92 in 2007. That's over a 1,000% decrease in absenteeism! Suspensions and behavioral problems also decreased.
However, the greatest benefit of a parent-driven vitamin nutrition program was that the school went from being on probation (Level 1) to a Level 4 school (second highest academic level)in 1 year (see third link below).
I recently learned that the inaugural class in 2004 who were 4th graders, just graduated from Ruleville Central High School in May 2013. They have continued their academic projectory with many of them scoring in the high 20's on their ACT Test (college entrance exam, highest score is 36). Most are going to college. Proper nutrition has lasting, long term positive effects.
1). Ruleville Elementary first program in the nation:
2). Youtube Video of Ruleville vitamin nutrition program 2004/2005:
3). Level 1 to Level 4:
Finally my story!
Twenty years ago, I would never have thought I would be embarking on this project called N2E+ for Life. The germination of this project originated out of the panic of being told that my wife had lymphoma in 1999, and the subsequent crisis that I had to confront. At that time, the diagnosis was delayed for several months because of ineptness of the medical professionals in analyzing the medical signs that were present. Only under emergency room conditions did the diagnosis emerge. Almost too late for a positive resolution.
What transpired from that date forward, May 16th, 1999 which also happened to be our 40th wedding anniversary, has changed my life long convictions that we have the best medical system in the world.
In actuality, it is failing the American people big time and there are those demographers who are predicting that the life span of Americans will begin to decline. (By 2022 it is a fact!) The basic problem is that the majority of medical professionals in this country are convinced they are doing all they can to help their patients. In reality, the origin of our dilemma is beyond the control of the medical profession. There is not a strong voice being heard to change how we approach the challenge of treating the ills of the American public, so many of which are preventable. In addition many of the disease states are reversible with the proper treatment. The medical approach to the Covid was a debacle! Not one word in 3 years from NIH on how to BOOST THE IMMUNE SYSTEM to ward off the virus!
My professional training as a pharmacist taught me that pharmaceuticals were to be used judicially and accurately in life saving circumstances to prevent premature death. My respect and faith in the pharmaceutical companies was unwavering. I had the privilege and opportunity to manage the purchase and distribution of “life saving” drugs to millions and millions of Americans in my business career as a marketing director for the Walgreen Company.
I accepted the word of the pharmaceutical companies that their products were scientifically researched and were of great benefit to the patients being treated.
In addition, I accepted the fact that if the FDA approved the drug for marketing, it was of great benefit and the risks of the drug were minimal in relationship to its value to the patient in crisis. There have been too many instances in the last 30 years where the FDA has been proven wrong. Fines and Penalities paid out by Big Pharma over the last 20 years is beyond 30 BILLION dollars. The Fauci Covid debacle is just now playing out!
My views have continued to change over the past years. Three events in the summer of 2008 crystallized my views that extraordinary action must be taken to change the bloated, costly medical system. The realization is that we are living in a chemical society that is profoundly affecting our ability to stay healthy.
The first event was a newspaper article that announced that the pediatric physicians that manage the American Academy of Pediatrics has endorsed the concept that children as young as eight should be treated with statin (Lipitor and etc) drugs to save their lives from heart attacks. This is a perfect example of the medical mind set that down plays the need to change the nutritional habits of children. Instead we become receptive to a convenient treatment solution that negatively impacts the healthy livers of children as the way of saving the child from early heart disease. A real catch 22. In my view, the Academy should be demanding that the FDA & US Agricultural rules and regulations be updated to stop our children from consuming poor nutritional products that has become the norm in the US.
The real challenge is to reverse the food intake problems of our children that cause the obesity crisis and other illnesses. The crisis is not solved by taking drugs, but by reversing the real causes.
A second event occurred that helped me focus on one of the real causes of obesity and bad nutrition in the United States. My wife and I enjoyed a visit with good friends who earn their living selling pastry and dessert products on behalf of bakery manufacturers to food retailers. I ask if they sold to Whole Food. The answer was no, since this food retailer doesn’t like some of the ingredients including liquid corn syrup that the 25 or so manufacturers that they represent put in their product. The problem is much broader and goes far beyond just pastry products. The per capita US consumption of sugar in this country is over 150 pounds per person, dominated by high fructose liquid corn syrup.
The third event was that the Chicago Tribune on my birthday July 14th had a full page advertisement in the first section paid by the “Corn Refiners Association”. Later, I learned that it is estimated they have allocated 20 to 30 million dollars to convince the American consumer that there is nothing wrong with liquid corn syrup. Their mantra is to use it in moderation. A second full page ad was published in the Chicago Tribune on September 8th, 2008. Asking the question: Could it be another schmear campaign? In all likelihood, these ads ran in all major city newspapers around the country. This is the verbatim words in the first ad:
A little sweetness in life is good. And what sweetens lots of our favorite foods and beverages are sugars made from corn, including high fructose corn syrup. It has the same calories and sweetness as table sugar and honey. Nutritionally, they’re all the same. But like many foods, sweeteners should be enjoyed in moderation. Please visit and learn the facts. You’re in for a sweet surprise!
It is a masterful wordsmith spin on one of the root causes of the obesity problem in the US. The second source of our obesity problem is unsaturated fat. Together they are the main actors in our health crisis in the United States. There are many other toxic chemicals in our food supply that contribute to our health crisis.
The cost of high fructose corn syrup to the food manufacturer is less than cane sugar, even though the Department of Agriculture protects the cost of cane sugar. In turn, most food manufacturers use high fructose corn syrup or similar corn sugars instead of or with cane sugar in their products, because it is cheaper. Not that it is more nutritious or safer and healthier for the American public. It’s all about the bottom line, being competitive and maximizing the profitability of the food manufacturer. In reality, most of our manufactured food products are over sweetened and it goes way beyond pastry and dessert products.
The statement that “Nutritionally, they’re all the same” is a false statement, not in regards to sweetness and calories, but in regards to how the body processes the sweetener and it’s impact on the biological processes of the human body. Go to: to learn the facts.
Many decades ago, the cattle farmers learned that corn combined with hormone injections was the best feed for fattening cattle in the feed lots before slaughter so that they maximized the price they got for the meat. Corn has the ability to prevent a protein hormone called “leptin” from shutting off the animals desire to eat. Consequently, they gain lots of weight while standing in their wastes that also become a rich source of potential disease.
A similar concept works in human beings. The real problem is that many soft drinks, candy, ketchup, ice cream, pastry goods, pseudo maple syrup and 1000’s of other products all have some form of liquid corn syrup as an ingredient. The crux of the problem is that too many food products have liquid corn syrup in them and it is the “cumulative” effect of over sweetened products and unsaturated fats that have created the problem of obesity in this country. This is not unique to our children, but to the adult population as well. It also drives the diabetic crisis that consumes somewhere around 200 billion dollars of our Healthcare costs.
The Corn producer ad is encouraging moderation, but that means reading labels and saying no to the children and ourselves at times. In essence, good health is clashing with free enterprise and the drive to produce more products cheaply, and not healthier products. Currently, they are petitioning the FDA to allow a name change to corn sugar to counter the fact that Americans are starting to read the labels and rejecting products with liquid corn syrup.
Dr. Robert Lustig has got it right. The American Academy of Pediatrics is down playing the real causes and instead has opted to embrace more drug treatment for our children, rather than encourage healthier nutrition. Shame on them. Go to:
to learn more about the medical aspects.
If you examine the US Big Agra global corn purveyors, you will discover they are controlling the cost of planting corn through genetically modified seeds around the world. Our energy policy encouraged by Big Agra is driving up the cost of the corn due to the ethanol production in the US which is of marginal value. Not to mention that the Mexican corn farmers have been underpriced by US Corn producers and they have had to let their farm workers go. The out of work Mexicans in turn have become part of the immigration problem.
The whole problem of obesity and diabetes health concerns could evaporate within five years if congress would act. They won’t! Guess whose back pocket they are in.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
"Do not comply" mantra is naive. Think about using that slogan when lockdowns were enforced by the police upon arrest, fines and vehicle decommission. Nobody used guns then, why would they use them later?
The smart cities will be enforced AFTER they get away with the cashban digital money, THEN you'll have no choice but to comply.
Passive resistance means defeat. Actually, it might be a false flag to numb down the masses, falling into the delusion that normal walking-away and political forces would correct massive government infiltration and corruption by freemasonry. Anybody promoting passive resistance, is the enemy of active resistance.
Apart from prayer, there’s only option: fignting with all your resources for a political overturn. Otherwise you are choosing defeat by political inaction, leaving yourself no choice except moving to a self-sufficient farm, surrounded by like-minded farms and doctors, pharmacists, etc… and eventually even those preppers will be searched and destroyed by the future digi-tatorship.
Have a glimpse of the future... and the solutions: