Our Children are precious and are at great risk and we must build a consensus now to stop the harm that is being bestowed on them. They are the futute and the future is at great risk of being degraded because of what is transpiring today. A ground swell of protest needs to be created now and everyone must participate and not go OFF TRACK! We need all the truth tellers to come together as one voice! Divided we fall!
Check out the 4 minute trailer on a video that tells the truth that you are being denied in the main stream media who is beholding to the Big Pharma money people!
This should be the number one priority for the truth seekers and we must stop it now.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
In 2007, after getting a flu shot because I was volunteering at the local hospital, I acquired the flu. First time since 1979! Normally I don't get the shots, but I did because I was volunteering. The short of it. It lasted 6 hours. Took to aspirin, two vitamin D and two glutathione. By two AM my bed sheets were soaked and at 5 I got up to drive home. to Illinois. True Story! It's all about boosting the immune system that takes care of the problem. There is no money to be made by boosting the immune system! Vitamin D is key!