Smoke Dissipating, Mirrors shattering
The massive propaganda machine used to gaslight the global population is being exposed.
I have been gas lighted, believed some of the misdirection on the root causes of the Covid-19 medical nighmare and thought it was a gain of function virus from Wuhan.
In reality it was a well preplanned program to achieve three goals. Eliminate President Trump who was anti-war, pro business, vaccine skeptic and wanted an investigation, anti-CIA since he didn’t want daily briefings, would not fund WHO, and was America first and didn’t believe in a one world government. He belives in competition. All counter to the deep state goals.
At the same time, China was seen as being too productive, growing its economy too well and has been spreading it’s influence across the globe and buying up businesses that are key to economic growth. China domination has to be slowed down and crippled!
Finally, the globalists and the eugenists believe that a one world government can better manage the ever expanding global population and make better decisions on how this magnificent blue/green planet can be managed. Not President Trump’s view.
It is a fact that since World War II, that the CDC/DOD/CIA have worked in concert to develop biowarfare weapons and counter measures to reverse the effects of the bio weapons. What transpired in 2020 could not have been spontaneous and has many sign posts that indicate a great deal of preplanning took place to achieve the control over the activities of billions of people around the globe.
Early on, around 2005, Fauci funded the University of Wisconsin virologists efforts to reconstitute the Spanish Flu virus. They went to Alaska and exhumed the well preserved body of a Spanish Flu victim and found the virus. In turn, they not only reconstituted it, but enhanced it and made it more viable. Truly a great scientific achievement that now needed a counter measure to how to reverse the impact of anyone exposed to the the NEW Spanish Flu virus. SF-2. That effort was placed in the hands of Big Pharma to create mRNA injections that would counter the impact of the virus. It was also seen as a profitable new way to treat disease states. Today, billions are being invested by many many drug companies to achieve this goal.
In 2017, Fauci warned that there was the great risk of a surprise pandemic in a year or two. Was he clairvoyant or was he just preping his cohorts to get ready and he knew what the plan was.
The time line strongly suggests that President Trump had instilled great fear in Big Pharma whose 50 Billion dollar vaccine program was at risk of being shrunk. He had announced in 2016 before he was elected that he wanted RFK Jr. to investigate the vaccine manufactuerers and if the over vaccination of our children was a cause of autism. That needed to be stopped. Now Big Pharma is orchestrating the scenario that Tylenol and it’s generic forms is the cause of autism. Another false flag. In turn, Pfizer donated 1 MILLION dollars to the Republican party with the caveat that Alex Azar of Lilly fame would become the new Deputy Secretary of HHS which has oversight on CDC, FDA and NIH. In turn, the investigation of the vaccine manufactuers never materilized. That goal was achieved. Alex Azar resigned his post on January 15, 2021 and the their plan to battle the SP-2 had been implemented.
The other two goals needed to be implemented and the Spanish Flu II release was instituted somewhere along the way in 2019. Where the SF-2 was cultured and where it was initialy released is not known, but based on the fact that China shut down all travel between provinces early on suggest it was released in Wuhan. They allowed Wuhan residents to fly across the globe on vacation during the Chinese New Year, and it was probably the means of transmitting it to the rest of the world.
In turn, now the CDC had to implement a defensive mechanism to counter the impact of the SP-2 on the global population. They also had to misdirect and confuse the population and the governments about the origin of the virus.
They released it in Wuhan to blame the Chinese for the outbreak and created the dialog about why it came from nature and not the Wuhan Lab and both narratives were false flags. They also put out the false flag that the Spanish Flu was really a failed bacteriel menigitis vaccine issue. Creating false narratives makes it difficult to get to the truth.
In 2014, Congress outlawed gain of function research on US soil, but Fauci and crew developed the Ecohealth scenario to keep it going in Wuhan and probably many more locations including Ukraine across the globe. Having Congress out law gain of function in 2014 means that the Congressman were aware of the great risk created by reconstituting the Spanish Flu virus.
Little has been reported about the role the two Chinese scientists had in secretly taking biological out of the US and to China. They were arrested and their fate is not known to me. Also, what was the role of the Harvard Biology Professor who was arrested for secretly working for the Chinese Wuhan lab?
For three quarters of the year in 2020, the CDC published devastating data showing the great number of people dying from the flu across the US. Then mysteriously, this data was hidden and all the reporting indicated that the Covid-19 virus was causing all the deaths.
President Trump has been marginlized, China’s growth has been slowed and the move to name WHO as the controller of travel for humanity is moving forward. In turn, the globalist and eugenists see that their role in managing the earth has been enhanced.
The victims of the scenario are considered collateral damage and of little consequence to those who have planned this massive crime against humanity.
If you think his is fiction, learn the truth and go to:
This video opened my eyes and ears to the reality of how the deep state works and is not subject to the rule of law and is out of control.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh.
Great post. Still watching the linked video. As you make clear this is all an insidious, fabulously intricate, plan to rule the world. The plan interlinks all nations it seems through the World Economic Forum. However this all became became exacerbated by Anti-Trump hysteria. But then we must ask which parameters in the rest of the world were served by this. It does link back to the WEF and related organizations who have openly sought to control us all since the 1970's. As Whitney Webb writes about it seems to connect with Jeffrey Epstein, Harvard and Yale, a bunch of US and international political forces. And of course a plan to rule us all with "health" care, climate change, social credit scores and insect diets. All these drug companies and profiteers connect there.
I like this better than the intentional depopulation genocide theory that seems to be the popular theory among our resistance. Why would you not believe this was a depopulation genocide?