I hope that some one reads this who knows how to send this information personally to their congressman so they
stop worring about what Big Pharma will think and start worrying about the great harm being bestowed on the citizens of the world. Unfortunately, most congressman seems to be divorced from reality and live in a bubble. Click here to hear audio.
Dr. Brighthope and Dr. Malone on the great harm of mRNA
Professor Brighthope and Dr Robert Malone were aligned in observing the obstruction of preventative and early treatments, the obstruction of high dose intravenous vitamins and the reckless promotion of wide spread injections of inflammatory Lipid Nano Particles with Synthetic messenger RNA with a likely biodistribution into virtual every essential cell type of the body.
This is my question to the leadership in our medical institutions and to our timid politicians in Washington, DC.
So...how do we stop this mRNA snowball rolling down the hill to hell? This has been evolving for decades and has been aided and abetted by NIH/FDA and CDC in concert with Big Pharma guiding the Congressman in DC to believe in the "science". The truth of how this all came to fruitition lies within two books for those interested in learning the truth. RFK Jr’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci and the book called Crispr that provides a history of how we have arrived at manipulating the very essence of life which is contained in our DNA. The great harm that has been done and will be done as Big Pharma rolls out more mRNA FDA approved nano drug injections will just compound what has transpired and will transpire especially with those who embraced the injections believing the narrative that they have positive medical value. WE MUST SAVE OUR CHILDREN FROM THIS GREAT HARM!
“How can we account for our present situation unless we believe that men HIGH in our government are concentrating to DELIVER US TO DISASTER?” —Senator Joseph R. McCarthy
Two used books arriving shortly, thank you. CRISPR a thriller novel (Lincoln Cole) and The CRISPR Revolution and the New Era of Genome Editing (Kevin Davies). Just what I'll need to help me sleep.