The Pfizer Papers
Thousands of astute researchers have exposed the fraud of the Pfizer RNA injections.
I salute all the dedicated human beings that are pushing back on the pseudo medical narrative that staying well depends on being injected for illnesses. It is a medical money game that ignores the true sources of ill health in the industrialized nations.
The impetus for this crisis has originated with the DOD which is deep into using biowarfare agents to disable the enemy and they need a antidote if their military personnel are affected by a biowarfare agent. So, they need to have a antidote and they believe the RNA injections are the solution.
In turn, the Big Pharma manufacturers see it as a golden opportunity to grow the allopathic medicine model and are all in to help. They have over 100 RNA research projects active to deliver more RNA injections to solve disease states. Billions and billions are being poured into this effort and the money people need a return on their investment. So.. it is being pushed at warp speed!
The CDC, FDA and Fauci’s NAIAD are the active US federal medical agencies that are supporting both efforts. In turn, the current Biden administration is 100% behind the effort. It is time when someone questions why the NAIAD needs 6 BILLION dollars annually.
Dr. Naomi Wolfe announces the publication of the book called “The Pfizer Papers” .
Across the globe other astute researchers are commending her for her efforts.
Just three of many who understand the criminality that was perpetuated by Pfizer to push a RNA injection that is is not safe and effective. The current Biden administration just keeps support the con.
In the meantime Germany has persecuted and jailed without trial a lawyer who was exposing the Covid con. At this moment I can’t recall his name. Humanity is under siege by dark and evil forces. God help us.
The Libraries in the USA will be reluctant to purchase the book called the “The Pfizer Papers” fear of being called out for exposing the truth. Demand that your library buys the book!
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
This election will be the future of freedom or continued and put into hyperdrive tyranny. Trump (We the People) must prevail!