TOP SECRET Sars-2 Covid-19 Bio Exercise Test 2019
Are there sign posts that suggest that such a plan existed and was executed in Oct 2019?
The following events have never been thoroughly explained and investigated to my knowledge.
Who participated in the War Games in Oct 2019 in Wuhan, China and have they traced Covid-19 back to the participants?
What did the US Military learn about Covid-19 in November 2019.
CDC,WHO and Gates all attended a planning meeting in an Asian country in November 2019. What was discussed and planned? Is that when Gates and the scientists decided that only 1% of the population would be exposed and harmed by the release of Covid-19?
Why did Moderna have signed contracts for mRNA injections in December 2019 before Covid-19 was known to exist in the US?
What happened to the two Chinese scientists who were caught sneaking US biologicals out of the US at the Detroit airport in January 2020.
What happened to the Harvard Biochemistry Professor who was arrest about the same time for working secretly for the Wuhan Bio warfare Laboratory?
Why did Dr. Fauci who authorized the funding for the Wuhan Sars 2 research so adamantly protest the shuting down of international air travel at the end of January when they informed the president of Covid-19 and President Trump authorized the shut down against Fauci’s wishes?
China’s President XI was upset that President Trump wanted an even playing field on tariffs and it was costing China money. Is that why he and the WHO president meet in January 2020 to discuss the ramifications of the bio release?
Big Pharma was upset that Trump wanted to investigate the over use of vaccinations with our children and the harm being done and did they see Covid-19 as an opportunity to stop Trump from getting re-elected and accomplishing this?
Why has the military been so adamant that all personal get the injections or out you go! Did they see this as a necessary exercise as a test to see how they can manage a real biowarfare mass event? Is that why the 1% infection rate was determined and was way off the mark? Now a mass cover up is taking place?
Why did the US have 13 Bio Warfare Labs in Ukraine and it is reported they were all destroyed by the US when Putin invaded Ukraine. If true, was the US Military afraid they would fall into the hands of Russia and secrets would have been learned? Did the US instigate the Ukraine crisis to cover the bio warfare lab problem? Far fetched?
The impetus for suggesting this scenario is the fact that I learned a friend of mine was a early victim of Covid-19 and was regularly interacting with military personnel on a military base? Also, there was an alignment of institutions that could have see benefit in the bio exercise. Big Pharma for profit, Derailing Trump, China derailing Trump on tariffs, Globalist moving humanity towards a one world government and population control. Democrats seeing this as a way to keep control in DC.
Has the world population been a victim in this process and now no one will stop the future harm that is being caused by the nano drug injections that reprogram cellular function on a uncontrolled random basis with adverse events multiplying with each subsequent injection?
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
WEF says page does not exist????
One correction — the DOD has admitted to 46 biolabs in Ukraine and thousands more around the world (many in Taiwan).