Triple threat whammy coming your way.
It's full speed ahead to keep the American population in fear.
Right now the CDC is putting out the narrative that only the elderly and those with impaired immune system need to be protected. Their answer is getting the TRIPLE shot! Flu, RNA and RSV to save you from dying from the latest variant of this on going Covid con, flu or virus. No mention that there are more simple and proven treatment modules that don’t demand that you be injected and/or if you prove positive need the fatal Fauci protocol that includes Remdesivir, Paxlovid, Tylenol and Ventilators and any other propriety drugs that are profitable. Ignore Ivermectin and boosting immune system function with nutrients. Ignore the value of acquiring natural immunity which I did and I’m in the at risk senior class. Here is the unabashed up front notice for professionals to learn how to prepare for what is coming this fall.
Are you ready to get injected this fall? Dr. Malone provides an in depth report on the issue. Our Astute President, Joe Biden is 100% for saving all Americans from this never ending threat. Thanks Joe! Do your homework! Do spend money we taxpayers don’t have!
Dr. Mercola has done his homework and it has been fact checked, not by the gas lighters but those that know the truth.
Finally, two physicians have the courage to speak out publically that all RNA injections should be banned. In my view, they are playing with the blue print of life and we are in the kindergarten stage going down this path without training wheels on!
One last thought:
When the US government won’t recognize the great harm that has been created by the RNA injections that reprogram the blue print of life and disrupt normal biological functions we need to raise the protest level beyond the current level if humanity is to survive! We need a insider to go public and reject the criminality that has transpired and will continue if we can’t stop the slippery slope to the extermination of all living things on earth!
My thoughts for the day. Take action and talk to those who represent you in Washington, DC. THIS IS SERIOUS!
Thomas A Braun RPh Retired but not senile yet.
Are any of the readers of my substack going to get the TRIPLE WHAMMY?