There are four events that help the lay person connect the dots as to what is wrong with medical research in the US and around the world and why we are in a deadly medical crisis today.
The first is an article from Dr. Joseph Sansone which reports on the Biological Warfare legislation written by a Harvard Law Professor and his evaluation of the Covid con.
Dr. Sansone comment: Dr. Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated law professor that drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act which passed both houses of Congress unanimously, provided an affidavit stating that Covid 19 injections and mRNA nanoparticle injections violate the law he wrote. Dr. Boyle asserted that ‘COVID 19 injections’, ‘COVID 19 nanoparticle injections’, and ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ are biological and technological weapons and violate Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023).
Author of the Biological warfare legislation.
A earlier 2020 interview of Dr. Boyle which never saw the light of day in the main stream media is telling!
The 2020 interview with Dr. Boyle telling the truth.
Secondly, Midwest Doc does a great job dissecting the true role of Anthony Fauci in his career that culminated with the lock down of humanity around the world and has caused great harm which he of course denies. The most telling issues is that legislation after 9/11 transferred responsibility of biowarfare research to NAIAD which Fauci ran with an iron fist!
My comment on the Fauci article:
Thanks for the deep dive into the black soul of Fauci! Fatal Fauci needs to be the first new inmate of the reopened Hell’s Island! The eye opener is that NAIAD became the manager of all Bio warfare research after 9/11. Unfortunately the research community is honoring him and portraying him as a Savior and God like. My Alma Mater honored him. Many other institutions that want research dollars are doing the same thing. I doubt that Fauci is retired and is actively working behind the scenes to keep the RNA injection industry alive and well. When over 100 RNA research projects are active tells you we have seen just the beginning of a medical catastrophe!
Third, it is reported by FLCCC that they are launching an objective Medical Research Journal that will NOT be funded by Big Pharma and special interests that put profit ahead of good health. Remember when Lancet published TWO negative articles on Hydroxychloroquine to discredit it’s use in treating the virus? Both retracted when it was pointed out they were fraudulent.
My response to the announcement.
Go for it! We need unbiased truthful medical research. Dr. Angell wrote the book, "The Truth about the Drug Companies" She was the editor of NEJM for 20 years and got fed up with the manipulation of medical research for profit. The RNA con is the just the latest iteration. Her book got little traction. Mass media doesn't want to offend their major benefactor
Finally, there is a full court press that Big Pharma has found a miracle drug/chemical that will solve the obesity problem in the world. Lilly’s Mounjuro is leading the pack and they can’t produce enough of it to keep up with the demand. Not everyone agrees that it is safe. One physician believes there is a 30% side effect profile.
My comment:
The rest of the story! The drugs negatively impacts the micro muscles that control the Celia action that move the food through the digestive system. Reported side effect is hypotension which indicates it may have the same impact on heart muscle. Remember they lied and said the RNA injections only impact the muscle cells at injection site! Then we learned they caused myocarditis which is heart inflammation! I’ll say it again. In my career of over 60 years in the drug business I have never seen a drug that fixes the weight issue. I remember drugs like Phenfen and Liquid Protein that killed thousands before the FDA woke up and took them off the market!
I thought Mayo which has a metabolic program which centers on Mounjaro would that done their homework. After the bodies pile up will the FDA take action? I wonder when… they ignored the great harm the RNA injections have done treating the phony Covid con. Bottom line: FDA just accepts the manipulated medical research that Big Pharma delivers rather than challenge it. What else would you expect from a captive medical agency that does not want to offend the hand that feeds it. (Over 50% of the FDA budget comes from Big Pharma) Our politicians in DC look the other and keep taking the bride money that keeps them in office! What say you Dick Durbin and all the other life time politicians?
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh