Two Down, Two to Go!
The Corruption of medical research to create RNA injections is being exposed.
The Multi Billion Dollar push to create RNA injections which reprogram cellular function may have started to unravel. Early on J & J realized their RNA injections were causing harm and withdrew them. Not so for AstraZeneca, but finally after being sued they have changed their mind. They have withdrawn their injections masquerading as a vaccine. Craig Roberts provides the details.
In he meantime, Pfizer and Moderna are still pushing full steam ahead. An astute researcher named Dr. Mihalcea has exposed the great harm being created for all including those who said NO to being injected. Here is my comment on the issue and the link to her research which is extensive.
Bill Gates gave a TED talk several years ago and said the goal was a 15% reduction in population. Translation 1 BILLION humans. Since the Covid and the RNA has hastened deaths in Seniors, it has provided great benefit to the US Government. First, since 25% of the annual healthcare expenditure which amounts to more than 1 TRILLION dollars (Total Annual is reaching 5 TRILLION and 20% of GDP!) is incurred in the last six months of a seniors life, expediating the demise of seniors saves millions and millions in Medicare dollars! Second, it provides great wealth transfer to the children of the seniors which have great debt. In turn those dollars are more likely spent than saved. My view without validation. So, between promoting abortion, voluntary or planned thru RNA injections, methods are in place to reduce humanity. In addition, longevity is being reduced because of how the RNA interferes with normal cellular reproduction. Inflammatory processes in all organs can be created! Ovaries as well as the Prostate. Myocarditis which is a inflammatory heart muscle issue is the poster child! The following astute medical researcher is documenting this extensively, but NO ONE is listening at NIH or any where else in DC. All the bad actors are just going along with the agenda.
Doctor Ana Maria Mihalcea astute researcher.
Nanobots and ????? Challenge to understand.
I have written my view on this massive crime against humanity extensively at
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh