This is a repost about the role of vaccines on mortality. If you listen to the vaccine manufacturers you are told all these vaccines are essential for good health. Here is the other side of the story.
Here is my view which 30 years ago was that the flu vaccine was good and I now believe they have very limited value and our medical guru Fauci has also expressed that view and thinks the mRNA injections would work better, but the great harm that they have created negates his NEW viewpoint.
A vibrant whole immune system which depends on having a healthy life style surpasses any vaccine and they are not required in a developed country with good infrastructure. This was proven by Dr. Eisenstein of Elk Grove Village, Illinois that delivered about 10,000 babies in his life time and guided the mothers to be to have good prenatal care and never gave the infants a vaccine. Autism was rare. If the immune system is not whole, even a vaccine will not protect from a pathogen. The narrow window between a healthy immune system which is "sluggish" and a impaired immune system is where a vaccine may stimulate the immune system to respond. Gardisal vaccine which has value in about 1% of the young female population is pushed to be used in the whole population. Vaccines are of limited use, but have been expertly marketed to physicians today. The young GP's are trained to inquire if you are up to date on all your injections. So, we have a 50 Billion business morphing into a 100 billion dollar business going for 200 billion as they develop more and more nano drug/mRNA injections. The absurdity of injecting our children with the mRNA nano drug injection is criminal. Drug Marketing trumps good medicine today since the role of the immune system is ignored and we don't address the gross nutrient deficiencies that exist in the population. Vitamin D being key since it is responsible for controling over 3000 gene expressions and plays a major role in a storng immune system, which is necessary for good health and the gene expressions can't be turned on when needed if the person is deficient. The average American has only half the Vitamin D required to stay health. Key is above 50 ng's. Big Pharma knows this and discredits Vitamin D regularly since it will stop the growth of an expensive medical system that is not making the population healthier along with a deficient food producing system. Our NIH/FDA/CDC is heavily influenced and manipulated by Big Pharma to make sure their profit goals are meet. "Follow the Science" is a oxymoron today, because the research being done is manipulated to reach end goals which are predetermined and are designed to push prescription drugs/injections to treat all ills. That is why I believe in N2E + for Life. See my substack.
They are all fraudulent!
Completely agree!
And I see no need to market some vaccines to everyone.
Example: !9 y/o with two kids had Gardasil recommended (I told her no).