There is a new kid on the block in the pro Big Pharma marketing arena. It is called Healio and is a well-honed marketing arm of Big Pharma. Perpetuating miss information and defending Death by Medicine Fauci style is on going.
What they have not reported is that Covid deaths have been almost none existent in one India province of 250 million people where they provided Covid prevention kits which included Ivermectin. Instead, they reported on a study out of Brazil where the conclusion was that Ivermectin had no value. What is not said is that the study had a predetermined goal of discrediting ivermectin and was poorly controlled and monitored and has no merit.
The major issue in this study was that Ivermectin was only given for three days after they found patients that had symptoms for a least 7 days. Underdosing and limited dosing provides the goal that was predetermined.
On a personal note, a family member with co-morbidities and in the high risk category acquired Covid, was given Ivermectin for 7 days at the onset, was never hospitalized but did receive O2 at home and beat it in 3 weeks. The Covid man made virus is real, creates a weakened physical state and causes a loss of appetite and makes you miserable. Having a strong immune system and a Vitamin D level above 50 ng’s is the saving grace.
Of course, the intent of the study is to continue to perpetuate the false concept that only a man made injection that reprograms cellular function created by a man made virus is the solution to defeating the viral invasion. Ignoring that 90% of people now dying (report from England) from the virus have had two or more injections is being ignored.
Dr. Marcia Angell who was Editor in Chief for 20 years at NEJM got fed up with the bias medical research articles that she was pressured to approve and wrote a book: The Truth About the Drug Companies: It details how medical research is bias and not scientifically rigid in 80% of the papers published.
Here follows the bias report posted on the Healio website that originated in the NEJM.
My comments are in bold letters.
Ivermectin did not lower the incidence of hospitalization among high-risk adults with COVID-19 enrolled in a large double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial in Brazil, researchers reported in The New England Journal of Medicine.
Goal accomplished!
The researchers said the trial of more than 3,500 patients will have a significant impact on the body of evidence for ivermectin as a potential therapy for COVID-19, which has generated a lot of controversy.
Controversy originates from pseudo negative studies
WHO, the FDA and the Infectious Diseases Society of America all recommend against its use.
Consensus builders win again
“The evidence supporting the role of ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19 is inconsistent. At least three meta-analyses of ivermectin trials have strongly indicated a treatment benefit, and others have concluded that there was no benefit,” Gilmar Reis, MD, PhD, and colleagues from the Together trial wrote.
“Although the number of included trials involving outpatients varies among the meta-analyses, the overall number of events that occurred in our trial is larger than the number of all the combined events in these meta-analyses. The results of this trial will, therefore, reduce the effect size of the meta-analyses that have indicated any benefits,” they wrote.
A home run for the anti-Ivermectin gurus
They noted that identifying “inexpensive, widely available, and effective therapies against COVID-19 is of great importance.”
Tongue in Cheek. No money to be made here!
“The repurposing of existing medicines that are widely available and that have reasonably well understood safety profiles has appeal,” they wrote. “One drug that has received considerable public use and interest is ivermectin, which is typically used as an antiparasitic drug.”
According to the researchers, more than 60 randomized trials of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19 have been registered, with findings being reported for more than 30. However, the results have been “discordant, and various review groups interpret the evidence differently — some advocating for benefits of ivermectin, and others reticent to conclude a benefit. Most of the trials have been small, with several being withdrawn from publication over credibility concerns.
Reis and colleagues evaluated ivermectin for the prevention of COVID-19 hospitalization among outpatients infected with SARS-CoV-2 at 12 public health clinics in Minas Gerais, Brazil. They randomly assigned 3,515 high-risk patients who had COVID-19 symptoms for up to a week to receive either ivermectin once daily for 3 days (n = 679 patients), placebo (n = 679), or another intervention (n = 2,157).
Under medicate and let them acquire full blown Covid.
Overall, 100 patients (14.7%) in the ivermectin group had a primary outcome event — which researchers described as hospitalization due to COVID-19 within 28 days after randomization or an ED visit due to clinical worsening of COVID-19 — compared with 111 (16.3%) in the placebo group (RR = 0.9; 95%, Bayesian credible interval, 0.7-1.16). Of the 211 primary outcome events, 171 (81%) were hospital admissions.
Goal accomplished. Statistical results prove there is no value!
According to the study, the findings were similar to the primary analysis in a modified intention-to-treat analysis that included only patients who received at least one dose of ivermectin or placebo (RR = 0.89; 95% Bayesian credible interval, 0.69-1.15) and in a per-protocol analysis that included only patients who reported 100% adherence to the assigned regimen (RR = 0.94; 95% Bayesian credible interval, 0.67-1.35).
The researchers noted that WHO has concluded, based on past trial results, that there exists “only very-low-certainty evidence regarding ivermectin” and recommended against its use for the treatment of patients with COVID-19 outside of clinical trials, as the IDSA also has done.
WHO is funded by Bill Gates and others with a hidden agenda. Go along to get along!
The FDA has warned that data do not show that ivermectin is effective against COVID-19 and that taking large doses of it is dangerous.
Tell that to the 100’s of physicians around the globe that know better!
“The findings in our trial are consistent with these conclusions,” Reis and colleagues wrote.