The article below was written several years back. I was interested in knowing how men and women become laser focused on having a positive impact on mankind. It balances the harm that is created when both private and public institutions make decisions without any regard to the harm that can be created by having a narrow focus on their decisions that impact societies. I especially believe women have had a stronger impact on societal issues over the centuries. Tomorrow, many amazing women and men with knowledge and concern and are brave enough to speak up about the mandates that are being pushed in California are having a public rally in California.
Amazing speakers at the Defeat the Mandates rally in Los Angeles. View the livestream of the rally at the links below. Streaming begins at 12 noon Pacific time.
Here is the article on women who I admire for their tenacity. If you want to learn more, I recommend the book Passionaries by Barbara Metzler.
Women on a Mission.
I’ve been privileged to meet women who are passionate about creating societal changes for the benefit of all. I’ve not met the women from Texas that started MADD because she lost her daughter to a drunk driver. Nor have I meet the lady from New Jersey who started the “Smoke Free Zones”.
I have gotten to know Carole Baggerly of who is on a mission to educate women about the need to double their Vitamin D blood level to avoid and reduce the incidence of breast cancer. That means all women should have a blood value of at least 40 ng/mL. Most women in the USA have half that amount or less.
In addition, Carole Baggerly has initiated a program called “Protect our Children NOW!” This program was implemented at the University of South Carolina almost two years ago. The result is that it demonstrates that if pregnant mothers had a blood value of at least 50 ng/mL of Vitamin D their risk of having a preemie baby could be reduced by 60%! In the USA approximately 10 out of 100 infants born are preemies. (It’s as high as 15% in underprivileged communities in the USA). That’s about triple the rate of Japanese infants. Our medical community should be ashamed of not fixing this problem.
I have also meet Zen Honeycutt who is on a mission to educate mothers about the toxins (trace chemicals) in food products that impact the health of children and adults. Go to She was raising three children some of which were challenged and all of them were having health issues. She did the research and stopped her children from having foods that were chemically enhanced some of which were GMO in origin. Many name brand cereals are a major culprit because not only do they carry the trace toxin Round-up plus trace insecticide if it is corn based but are rich in sugar and are loaded with coal tar dyes. Allergies in children are up 250% over the last 10 years. The major cereal companies were a major source of funds to defeat labeling laws that would allow the American consumer to know which food products contained GMO’s. Over 60 countries around the world protect their citizens by mandating that GMO foods be properly labeled. Not in the USA.
I have also meet Gwen Olsen who for over 10 years has crossed America giving talks, written books and is helping people break their dependence on these psychotropic drugs given to children and adults for depression and other brain maladies. Most shooters at schools have been identified as being on these psychotropic drugs. Gwen’s niece was on these psychotropic drugs and was so deranged she killed herself. This was the motivation that made Gwen to become passionate about this issue. Her book, “Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher” is available on Amazon. See below for my critique.
Recently, Dr. Mercola published an article about the fact that many of the disease states of the brain are caused by inflammation. Brain Inflammation can be exacerbated by lack of brain nutrients including vitamin D and Vitamin B12 and the presence of trace toxins from artificial sweeteners etc. Go to:
I have also meet Marcia Radin who runs Mind-Body retreats near Ithaca, New York during the summer months. She has become an expert on food for medicine for stopping and reversing disease states. She has helped improved the life of 1,000’s of people who have been struggling with ill health over the last 25 years. Her mind body retreat is comprised of a vegan diet which helps cleanse the body of toxins from our modern food growing and factory food processing system. Check it out at:
In addition, a regime of exercise, and meditation, and saunas plus educational sessions helps the guest learn how to improve their healthy eating choices. I visited her for the second time in July 2017 and came home 8 pounds lighter with a blood sugar value of 73. Type II diabetes melts away when carbohydrates are eliminated from your diet.
Years ago I became acquainted with Dr. Devra Davis who spent her professional career as an epidemiologist. She has written a number of books including “The Secret War on Cancer” which explains why we have spent more than 4 Trillion dollars on cancer research and have not fixed the problem. Today her advocacy is about warning mothers not to have their children use cellular phones with their developing brain. There is research evidence that brain tumors in children can be induced by radiation from the cell phone. Her website is
· Finally I have meet Barbara Metzler who has interviewed people on missions to improve society and has written the book “Passionaries" Turning compassion into action. Well worth the read. I hope she does another one devoted to women who are health advocates. She in turn is passionate about stopping the violence that our children are exposed to from Hollywood films. Check out their websites highlighted and support these health initiatives and educate your family and loved ones.
Thank you all for your dedication and passion for being pro-active to help all Americans be healthier.
Thomas A Braun RPh N2E+ for Life. Updated 4/9/2022
Permission is granted to reproduce this essay in its entirety.
My Critique: Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher is an exploration into the dark side of mental illness. Gwen Olsen is brave enough and angry enough to welcome the reader into her world of emotional trauma caused by drugs, alcohol and genetics.
Gwen weaves her stories of personal tragedies and the use of prescription mind controlling drugs that she sold into a shocking review of how drugs are used not to cure, but to control those with emotional and social behavior problems without any real concern about the potential deadly side effects. Drug marketing trumps good medicine.
The impetus for an insider to reject a financially rewarding career in pharmaceutical sales is the fiery self-immolation death of her bright, beautiful and beloved niece Megan.
Her extensive research into deadly events caused by mind altering prescription drugs brings into reality the gravity of the medical decision to prescribe a treatment routine that doesn't explore ways to reverse the medical condition.
The following quote by Dr. Candace Perth, the co-discover of the SSRI pathway which was the impetus for the creation of the multi-billion dollar SSRI class of mind altering drugs is a chilling statement.
"I am alarmed at the monster that John Hopkins neuroscientist, Solomon Snyder and I created when we discovered the simple binding assay for drug receptors 25 years ago."
Anyone who is or has a loved one taking these prescription drugs will be compelled to read Gwen's Saga and detailed investigation into this twilight world of drugging.
Only by knowing the truth can we change course and improve the quality of healthcare in the United States. Gwen helps us focus on a critical area of needed improvement and pleads for us to save our children from drugging.
Fantastic information thank you.