WWI Nostalgia
"Spanish Flu" was dominate in 1918 and created great fear. It was a real Pandemic
On 11/11/2022 we will celebrate Veterans Day in the USA. In 1918, the War Powers agreed to stop fighting on 11/11/1918 at 11 AM. This was agreed to many months before because the US Army had entered the fray and a Armistice had to be put in place. Besides the millions of soldiers who had died from the fighting, there also was the “Spanish Flu” that was killing millions. Some researchers today claim it was not the flu, but a failed bacterial meningitis vaccine that was tested on US Army personel in the Spring of 1918 at Fort Riley, Kansas by the Rockefeller Institute which was not attenuated, but live and spread around the world with the troop movements and between 20 million to 50 million people died around the world. Fact Check reputes this theory. In 2022, we have fact checkers denying the harm that the mRNA injections are causing.
My father, August Braun was in St. Miheil, France in the fall of 1918 and became ill with the “flu”.
He was taken to a chapel converted to a field hospital on a Thursday, and on Friday morning he was the only one who woke up among the 22 Soldiers who has acquired the “flu”.
NIH researchers believe that some of us carry a Double Immunity gene that protects us from disease states. They looked at the DNA of desendants from the The Black Death which was a bubonic plague pandemic occurring in Western Eurasia and North Africa from 1346 to 1353. It is the most fatal pandemic recorded in human history, causing the deaths of 75–200 million people, peaking in Europe from 1347 to 1351. Bubonic plague is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis spread by fleas, but it can also take a secondary form where it is spread by person-to-person contact via aerosols causing septicaemic or pneumonic plagues.
Was my father the lucky one that was carrying the double immunity gene? Maybe that is what science should be doing. Figure out how to give everyone life long immunity.
That is not what is transpiring today. We are reprograming cellular function with the mRNA injections that are rewarding Pfizer and Moderna with a combined 60 BILLION dollar a year windfall.
On 11/11/1918 his brother, Otto Braun was writing a letter to his cousin named John Becker who was also in the Army in France. Many years later, his son shared the letter that Otto wrote with me and I have reproduced it. He did not know that the war was over on 11/11/2018. Here is what he wrote:
November 11, 1918
Parris Island, SC.
United States Marines
Dear Cousin John,
` I finally got your address and it is about time. Amanda wrote me about your trip across and was very glad to hear that you liked it. I had an idea that when I joined the marines I would get there in short time but I figure it’s a matter of luck that I’m not. The time of the rush there were twenty two of us sent here and we were told we would only be here a month and the time they stopped recruiting we stood by for a transfer, so they couldn’t transfer all of us so I have been one of the unfortunate ones again. John.. it’s hell when you’d like to go and they hold you back but I still have hope this week. For most of my friends left last week and there are only about five us old timers still left. I call us old timers when being here seven months & you’d call it seven years if you were on an island like this. The flu has just hit this place reasonably for there are about three hundred cases and about forty that has passed away with it. I just hear tonight that they are going to stop inducting them until the flu has stopped.
The island has been quarantined for the last six weeks and we can not even go in the Y.M.C.A. or a show at the gymnasium where I used to enjoy my evenings. I only hope it doesn’t stop me from being transferred.
John, if I were told tonight to pack my seabag for overseas duty I’d be the happiest bird on the island. I sure would like to be over with the rest of the boys. Pray that luck is with me, since being on this sand bar I have made one trip to Savannah Ga on a seventy two hour leave which I can get away every month and I could have gotten a furlough but thought if I’d take one I’d miss being transferred. So will close until next time hoping you will save a couple of Huns for me.
With all the luck in the World
Your cousin
Otto Braun
PS: If you have heard from Otto or Bill (Becker) I wish you would send me their address.
I never meet my Uncle Otto, and this letter is the only testiment I have that he lived. We must honor all who have so valiently gone into battle with the knowledge they may not return. We must also strive to end wars that cause great suffering needlessly. Again, we are experiencing this in Europe. I pray we find leadership that steers us in a new direction.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
Copyright 2022. Permission granted to reproduce in it’s entirety as long as the author is notified via email at tbran10@hotmail.com.
Thanks. Lovely tribute to your family members.