11/11/1918 @ 11 AM
This was the official time that WWI ended and was agreed to 6 months prior.
My father was a machine gunner in WWI in France. He left the machine gun nest that was guarding a bridge over the river. He returned to find his two buddies blown to smithereens. He acquired the Spanish flu and was in a chapel converted to a field hospital in St. Miheil with 21 of his comrades. Click on the following to learn more:
Admitted on a Thursday night and woke up the next morning alone. The other 21 soldiers all succumbed to the Spanish flu. His battalion of 2000 men was reduced to 200. The lieutenant in charge said: “Let’s go get those Huns… Men! Someone shot him in the head. God works in mysterious ways.
My two brothers were in WWII and returned home safely. I was also in the Army after WWII.
Did the powers to be believe that the world was over populated to have a war in Europe for 4 years and then to decide to stop the war six months before Armistice day? Use up the bullets and use up the soldiers on both sides?
My father’s brother was stationed on Paris Island and wrote the following letter to his cousin. He was quarantined because of the Spanish flu. He did not know that the war had ended on 11/11/1918.
November 11, 1918
Paris Island, SC.
United States Marines
Dear Cousin John,
I finally got your address and it is about time. Amanda wrote me about your trip across and was very glad to hear that you liked it. I had an idea that when I joined the marines I would get there in short time but I figure it’s a matter of luck that I’m not. The time of the rush there were twenty two of us sent here and we were told we would only be here a month and the time they stopped recruiting we stood by for a transfer, so they couldn’t transfer all of us so I have been one of the unfortunate ones again. John.. it’s hell when you’d like to go and they hold you back but I still have hope this week. For most of my friends left last week and there are only about five us old timers still left. I call us old timers when being here seven months & you’d call it seven years if you were on an island like this. The flu has just hit this place reasonably for there are about three hundred cases and about forty that has passed away with it. I just hear tonight that they are going to stop inducting them until the flu has stopped.
The island has been quarantined for the last six weeks and we can not even go in the Y.M.C.A. or a show at the gymnasium where I used to enjoy my evenings. I only hope it doesn’t stop me from being transferred.
John, if I were told tonight to pack my seabag for overseas duty I’d be the happiest bird on the island. I sure would like to be over with the rest of the boys. Pray that luck is with me, since being on this sand bar I have made one trip to Savannah Ga on a seventy two hour leave which I can get away every month and I could have gotten a furlough but thought if I’d take one I’d miss being transferred. So will close until next time hoping you will save a couple of Huns for me.
With all the luck in the World
Your cousin
Otto Braun
Today, we honor all those who we have lost because of old men sending young men to war. Over 100 years later we are still using up the bullets and humans. I pray that in 2025 President Trump stops this madness.
My thoughts and memories for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
well done!
I've heard the Spanish Flu deaths were a large contributor to WWI ending. I've also read that the British banks greatly benefitted monetarily from and during WWI.