AI and RNA initiative
President Trump has meet with AI technocrats and RNA injection pushers combining forces.
Read here the excellent article by Dr. Malone that explains what is transpiring.
The following is my analysis of what is transpiring. Any other view points?
Excellent discussion on the pseudo concept that cancer can be cured with RNA entities. I believe since Nixon created the "War on Cancer" concept and we have spent about 5 billion dollars on research and have not found a cure for cancer speaks volumes. We keep going down the wrong. road. In the meantime cancer has become an occurrence across all age groups and the frequency of cancer keeps climbing. Rather than look at the root causes of cancer which are embedded in Big Chemo, Big Agra and Big Pharma contributions to our current life style issues which are detrimental to good health we ignore prevention and reversal of health issues. Our medicine man looks for profitable treatment protocols. My view is that the the technocrats see a profit opportunity with AI and the deranged medicine man sees a opportunity to grow the bloated sick care system by combining AI and RNA initiatives to grow the bottom line dramatically. In turn, they have gassed President Trump on going along with their vision that it is the answer to eliminating cancer. In turn, President Trump may also have been told that if
RFK Jr. heads HHS and puts on a moratorium on RNA injections, it will deep six over 100 current research projects that are active. Billions and billions have been invested and many companies exist currently without any ROI. This in turn would crash the health care segment of the stock market and precipitate a stock market crash. They have just put him between a rock and a hard place, just as they did the last time around with the Covid con.
PS: Having studied the role of Vitamin D as a hormone that modulates about 3000 gene expressions has me convinced that if all of us had a blood value of 50 ng's or more we would drive down the frequency of cancer as well as many more disease states. A whole and vibrant immune system is supported by Vitamin D. Not embraced by Big Medicine because it would not grow our bloated medical system. Check out for research that supports this. My view.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
I agree with you, Thomas, your instincts have proven to be right, so far, and will prove to be correct n the future.
I agree. But here in England we never see sunshine Thomas! We seem to live for months in darkness. Well dark grey horrible skies. An odd half hour of the sun peeping through! lol. I don’t trust Vit D supplements! How can they put the sun’s “rays” into a tablet? Don’t make sense. Please advise such ones as me. Thanks. Love reading your research.