Big Pharma Wins Part Two
It has taken over 100 years for Big Pharma to completely control medicine.
There are many astute physicians and researchers that over the years have documented the great harm that the current sick care system called modern medicine has deliver to humans around the globe and especially in the USA. My library of books on this issue is extensive.
I recall the President of NACDS explaining to me after we both retired that Big Pharma was not happy with my Rx marketing efforts at Walgreens to improve our ability to deliver the right products with confidence to our patients.
They devised a scheme to have me leave Walgreens so my efforts would be blunted. It didn’t work and my career extended for 36 years and the management team that I was lucky enough to be associated was the foundation for the tremendous growth of the company from 450 stores when I started that peaked in about 2020 with about 9000 stores and delivering over 20% of all prescriptions to US patients.
Since then a number of issues have reduced Walgreens profitability and they are now in a recovery mode. They are downsizing and closing unprofitable stores.
When I started with Walgreens, the Big Pharma drug companies dictated to retail drugstores what they should stock and in order to even buy from them you needed to agree to automatic shipments of new Rx drugs. Just one example out of many.
Over 100 years ago, John D. Rockefeller, the oil magnate understood that oil was a basic resource for extracting chemicals that could have medicinal benefit. It is called organic chemistry since petroleum comes from deep in the earth and was generated by plants and micro marine animals. He envisioned a plan for how medicine should be managed and it is the basis of the allopathic medicine model that is embraced to this day.
To learn how Rockefeller vision was accomplished, he needed a medical thought leader to create the medical environment to this end. Read the details here:
The Flexner factor for the allopathic medicine model.
Today, a timely article from Dr. Mercola discusses the consequences of what is transpiring in the allopathic medicine model that controls the practice of medicine.
The covid con is just the latest iteration of the dominate model.
The tile of the article is: The Tragic Toll Exacted by Medicine:
These facts are totally ignored by the majority of Politicians that are in Washington, DC that are supposed to be working on the behalf of the American citizens and protecting their lives from harm.
The lack of response to investigate and stop the RNA injections speaks volumes about how our Congressman have been side lined by Big Medicine. They fear for the termination of their careers.
When President Biden, President Trump 2025, President of WHO and the Pope in Rome all buying into the RNA injection scenario, I don’t see much change coming except for more RNA injections being pushed on humanity.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
PS: Let me know what I got wrong!
What you got wrong is the presumption that oil came from plants and tiny little animals in the oceans. There is no evidence of that. Only coal has evidence of that source and that is shown by fossil evidence in coal. Back in the 1970s a group of scientists and engineers at the Texaco Research Center in Beacon, NY, theorized that the petroleum we get from the ground actually came from the cooling of the early atmosphere and that it literally rained liquid petroleum from the ancient sky. They came up with an experiment that showed this was possible. What they also discovered was the formation of amino acids in the soup that was generated in the experiment.
Here is another problem of the earth as billions of years old. Within the states of the Carolinas is a bone bed that was discovered in the 1800s and among the bones are humans and dinosaurs mixed together. Among the bones are other species that we have been told could not have lived at the same time. This bone bed has been dated as being approximately 50,000 years of age, making the earth much younger than has been supposed. It has also been theorized that the bone bed is from the great flood time.
There are rock layers in the Grand Canyon that are supposed to be millions of years old, except those layers wouldn't be there if they were that old because they would have been worn away in that amount of time. The flood of Noah was no only a flood that destroyed a wicked mankind but the entire rearrangement of the continent of Pangia to what you see today. The only evidence of the previous civilizations are things we cannot explain and that we have difficulty doing today even with our technologies. Some of the difficult things to explain are the intricate cutting of massive rocks with a precision that we only have now and that 'could not have existed 100,000 years ago or could it have?. How were the pyramids built? Nothing is plausible with what we do know of the past and that likely means that the pyramids in Giza or in other parts of the world, are from a time that predates the Great Flood.
It is much more probable that petroleum rained from the ancient atmosphere rather than from the accumulation of plants and animals. If that is true then how to explain coal especially when humans have found massive fossils of plants and animals buried in coal seams? We have coal and petroleum from the same source? One solid and one liquid? Coal exists in three primary forms; a coals that hasn't become predominantly carbon, bituminous that is predominantly carbon and then anthracite which is completely carbon. I guess we could add diamond to this list because it is actually a form of pure carbon too.
What you got wrong is that President Trump is in favor of the WHO-demanded injections. He announced he was exiting the WHO andbwrote to the WHO in May 2020, that we were Exiting. Biden reversed that. Trump has announced that he will again exit the WHO when he becomes President. Kennedy has not made that commitment at this time. Shanahan will probably not let him.