Thank you Thomas. So appreciate you breaking it all down/explaining. It’s a great visual and reminder of how extraordinary the body is. Why oh why must man muck it up?

As more people get vaccinated and suffer from adverse events, more medication will be prescribed for those ailments which will compromise our immune system even more.

Good clean nutrition, fresh air/sunshine, love and laughter will keep the Dr. away.

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Nonsense. There's no virus. You don't understand virology.

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What do we see under the electron microscope? Swiss cheese?

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Does seeing something prove what it is or what it does? You know what you're seeing is not only static but altered by preparation right?

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Virology is a branch of science that deals with the study of viruses1. It focuses on understanding the structure, classification, evolution, and behavior of viruses, as well as the diseases they cause. Virologists investigate how viruses infect and replicate within host cells, how they spread among individuals and populations, and how they can be controlled or treated.

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And toxicity, which is all around us: our food being poisoned and genetically modified, toxins in the food containers, toxins in the water we drink, toxins in the air we breathe largely thanks to "geoengineering", toxins in our household cleaners, our clothes, all kinds of toxins around us. Our bodies are built to clean up the toxins, but eventually become overwhelmed and react to purge them, giving us dis-ease. The "germ theory" is built on fraud, and virology is part of it, and is being used to scare people into a totalitarian technocratic system, and to reduce world population via "vaccination" along with their toxic pharma brews and potions. A beginning primer with references is found here: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/01/michael-mckay/the-no-virus-theory-from-an-austrian-perspective/.

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I agree 100% about Big Agra/Big Food (chemical use) and Big Chemo root cause of inflammatory conditions stemming from these sources. Hard to wrap my mind around the fact that I've been total for over a half century that viruses exist, and it is a lie? A virus is an RNA molecule that requires a host to replicate. No? Medicine man now has decided he can make them artificially and reprogram cellular function and interfere with the blueprint of life? That's why they are investing billions and billions. What have we experienced in the last 3 and 1/2 years. Mass psychosis. Nothing else?

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I didn't say psychosomatic if you think that I did then I would suggest that you don't know what psychosomatic means

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Fauci is not very intelligent the problem is when people accept germ theory they believe all kinds of things without evidence and they make too many assumptions virology is a failed science. You were sick for the same reasons that everybody gets sick poor diet and other toxins the body periodically has to clean itself out that is sickness. Go to Dr sam Bailey's website and watch some videos and learn some new things but of course you won't believe it because your head is too wrapped around your brainwashing

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My partner and I both got Covid twice at the same time. Now you are telling me it is psychosomatic!

Seems like it is all about getting BARDA off the hook! I guess Bird flu, Swine flu, and etc didn’t get created in biolabs.

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You have defined virology but you do not understand virology. Virology is not a science. I tell you what let's make it simple show me where anybody proved that a virus made anybody sick with a disease called covid-19 in order to do that you would need to understand the papers that were created and how to read the methodology section. Do you know how they define isolation do you know what cytopathic effects are did they prove their assertions properly in the papers that were put out regarding covid-19 I'll wait for your response

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Apparently NAIAD and Dr Fauci believe it is or they would not fund biolabs around the globe and create gain of function viruses. You don’t believe SARS II Covid virus was created? I was flat on my back for 3 weeks from what?

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Long Covid. I quit reading or listening to Alex Berenson when he posted, straight up and very clearly, that Long Covid did NOT exist, it was imagination and not a real health issue. My son in law had long Covid for a few weeks and I knew for fact it was real. (He overcame it the same way you did - I had my daughter put him back on all the supplements I had her giving him while he was sick with Covid and after a couple weeks he was fine.)

That emphatic statement from Alex rendered everything he posted null and void in my opinion. He may have posted some great info against the vax and origins of GOF Covid but from that point forward I felt everything he "studied," summarized and published was also slanted based on his beliefs and personal experiences. Haven't read him since.

I suppose, in reality, everyone posts based on their beliefs and experiences. But I had enough doctors tell me my back pain was in my head for years... until it finally started showing on MRIs...that once someone says something is all imagination my ears are closed to them. I wish more doctors saw the whole person.

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My wife had back pain and the internest said go see a physitrist! Saddenly, if was lymphoma with enlarged lymph nodes pressing on nerves. Not all MD's graduate with all A's!

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True. I'm sorry about your wife's ultimate finding. Some doctors appear to go in solely for the salary and prestige rather than the patient well being... what other reason for lack of concern in digging down to the roots of a problem? Mine was "minor arthritis" that they ALL (multiple specialists) said couldn't be the problem. Even though a nuclear scan showed "significant uptake" in the exact areas I was having major pain from. Until it got bad enough to visibly show on MRI. Interestingly it was the radiologist who told me it was NOT in my head and that minor things can cause big pain.

Honestly, my pain mgmt doctor of 18 years is the best doctor I have, heart and soul. And he's very open to all my own research and suggestions and things I want to try (and thoroughly explains his "no, not a good idea") - I'm VERY active and involved in my own healthcare (to the aggravation of a couple of doctors I no longer see). My PCP is a DO and he is great as well however he is completely bound to the mega corporation in which he practices. Both doctors are very used to me telling them what's wrong with me rather than the other way around and interested in discussing my last studies. My self-care is another reason I'm happy with tele-health on a routine illness basis. I wish everyone was as involved in their own care.... especially these days.

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Sickness is caused by poor diet.

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Being sick does not mean covid

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Thank you for this post 🌼

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