I concur. But as they say in the infomercials: but wait, there's more. Following your line of reasoning a step further...

Suppose they're planning something more diabolical.

There's already been testimony before congress by a proposed Treasury appointee that posited: why not eliminate banks savings and checking accounts completely? Why not replace them with accounts with the U. S Treasury department? A Treasury digital currency, of some sort.

Why not? Here why. We're only a hop, skip, and a very short jump from some federal official deigning what you can and cannot do with your money. The Treasury department is COMPLETELY trustworthy, right? Not a chance that they'll automatically deduct money without your prior approval on behalf of some Very Important Cause like making the climate one-millionth of a degree cooler than it otherwise would have been. Skipped your donation to the immensely-important and politically-connected Build Large Mansions initiative, which seeks to redress eons-ago inequalities between Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon men? Surely you won't mind an unapproved deduction for that either, right?

Think Etherium or some Treasury alternative might save you? Not so fast. For every Buyer of groceries like you and me, there must be a Seller of groceries. What if our ever-beneficial uber-masters decide to punish potential sellers with a Healthy Fine for each transaction conducted in any other currency than the Treasury digital currency?

How do you get around that one? Groceries and supermarkets demanded masks for everyone who entered their stores by threatening purveyors with healthy fines if they found anyone on the premises who wasn't wearing one. Every supermarket in Pennsylvania caved within nanoseconds.

"Wear a mask, or starve to death" our state government was essentially warning everyone. It has happened before. They already have the playbook, think they won't use it again? Think it won't work the next time?

Hopefully, we won't have to find out.

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Really interesting points on Tylenol and Gold. The Children’s Health Defense has a large collection of research papers and some in 2016-17 were especially interesting on Mercury and Autism connections in research when it wasn’t funded by NIH. The aluminum adjuvant issues are also in the literature and related to auto-immune diseases. Regarding Gold, which I have been thinking about…it makes sense that armed agents would have to make physical calls as opposed to just putting a lock on bank or trading accounts electronically. Thanks for your insight here.

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Daja vu... did you perhaps mean déja vu? Or am I missing something?

I’ve also wondered about the 87,000 agents. It surely will be a disaster for the middle class, our lawmakers are not to be trusted.

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You will own nothing and be happy.

Klaus Scwab

Marxism is the abolishement of private property.

Karl Marx

Totalitarian states have failed in the past, but now we have the MRNA vaccines that can edit DNA and remove free will.

Dr Harari of the WEF.

Science is no longer about Truth, it is about Power.

Dr Harari of the WEF

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After Dr Bradstreet’s untimely death, no research on autism has made it out to the public. During that time, a couple dozen researchers & doctors had unfortunate accidents. My family doctor had been treating Lyme successfully. Medical mafia knocked on his door and told him to stop or he’d be in court until retirement, defending every Medicaid and Medicare bill ever submitted.

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I believe that's entirely a STRONG truth!! Crash coming!!

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You'll never get my favorite rifle, best ammo, and my only JEEP, Klaus Schwab!

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For rifle and ammo, hope you dont live in Oregon.

After the elections, which are fake in Oregon, a bill will go into effect to take away guns. Except for State Employees. Any state employee can have guns. Think that thru carefully. Haha.

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