The above chart is of european origin where the data is available and not hidden as it is in the USA. Only indication in the US is coming from Insurance companies reporting a spike in deaths in young men age 20 to about 50.
Since about 5 Billion people have been injected and if the excess death level remains at about 15%, then we will see a 750 Million reduction in the global population.
The video listed below is by a Director of a Funeral home who has investigated the rash of “died suddenly” being reported around the US. You can google the words “died suddenly” or “sudden death” and learn for yourself the number of people who unexpectedly have died.
Also, listen to Bill Gates the Billionaire and champion of injections to save the world in the video who says we can easily reduce the world population by 10 to 15%.
Please note: His personal wealth is reported to have more than doubled in the last 3 years.
A New Zealand report. Sudden Death
The risk of dying from the Covid originally was less than 1% of the population, and with early correct medical treatment, the death toll would have been drastically reduced. Now it is becoming clear that the “CURE” is more than 10 times worst than the disease.
Still, they are pushing the injections in the US and around the world. Why have we not come to our senses?
Video about Died Suddenly: Died Suddenly
I pray leadership emerges in the political and medical world that shouts! STOP THE INJECTIONS!
If you are not following Dr. Robert Malone who invented the mRNA injection protocol who says “STOP”..please do.
My thoughts for the day that weigh heavily on my heart.
Thomas A Braun RPh
I certainly hope you are right, but that is not Bill Gates goal. Time line is in question. no doubt.
Can't agree more! The key is maintaining a whole vibrant immune system by not degrading it with chemical intervention.