I certainly hope you are right, but that is not Bill Gates goal. Time line is in question. no doubt.

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Can't agree more! The key is maintaining a whole vibrant immune system by not degrading it with chemical intervention.

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I hope we wake up soon!

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Greatest crime in world history

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Ice age historians, in the near future shivering in their bunkers, will rate the Covid "vaccines" as bigger clusters than war, racism, slavery, nuclear weapons, crony capitalism, communism, fascism, CRT, transgenderism, or even global warming.

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"Since about 5 Billion people have been injected and if the excess death level remains at about 15%, then we will see a 750 Million reduction in the global population."

About 1% of the population dies each year, about 70 million people. If that increases by 15%, it would be an increase of about 10 million to about 80 million per year. We may see 750 million reduction if they all died in a very short time, but the 15% increase in excess mortality is a long way from that.

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Thank you Thomas. If it weren’t for people like you with the info/knowledge and enormous heart, I and many others might miss the truth. I started my deep dive on children’s scheduled vaccines back in the 90’s so when the latest mandated poison shots came around, I was 100% convinced they were not going to be “safe and effective”. But I often wonder if I had still relied on MSM, I might have drank the kill-aid. I have an insatiable curiosity to learn and investigate outside the norm, but I must admit, a lot goes over my head. Many thanks for all your time, energy and expertise. You are saving lives. I appreciate you🙏

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Thank you. In my professional life I was a champion for Big Pharma, because I believed they were doing the right thing to help people stay well. Not until I experienced how they treat people with cancer, did I start to question their mind set. That's why I write and believe in N2E+ for Life. The covid crisis has culminated in the greatest medical disaster that humanity has ever experienced.

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I know first hand about how the pharma cartel & Drs. treat people with cancer. Mine had a happy ending ~ or I should say, beginning! I took matters into my own hands after 3 Drs confirming and recommending surgery. I will always rely on my knowing/intuition and thirst for knowledge. It has never failed me. I also have 25+ years of witnessing clients of mine go through their experiences. The body is an AMAZING machine when we don’t stick a wrench of fear into


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You are exactly right, Thomas.

Almost three years and guess what folks, "We Are Running Out Of Time!"

Time to help the vaccinated!

Even if tonight, we recognized the problem, eliminated those promoting it, and by tomorrow morning launched the entire medical complex of everything to work on the problem of the damage caused by the application of Spike Protein to billions of people as a failed and poisonous "therapeutic" toxin, it would already be too late to launch anything other than ANOTHER failure!

I have been shouting "WE MUST DO THE NEXT RIGHT THING" and clearly, we have never been further from it. Medical professionals will never again attain the "trust" of a used car salesman, possibly even settle into a position lower than a ten term congressman..

If we continue to follow the SPARS PANDEMIC outline, clearly nothing will be done, except to designate all who received the vaccine (it is not) as "heroes" who "sacrificed" for us all!

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