Looking back on how medical marketing is used to convince our legislators as well as our citizens that a new medical product or service is better for you is a fine art form accomplished with the service of lobbying groups, public relation firms and wordsmiths that can spin a tale positive or negative based on the goals of the originator.
The culmination of their ability to achieve a preset desired goal will forever more be etched in stone with the preplanned phony Covid that greatly benefited the Bio warfare pushers as well as the Big Pharma companies that richly benefited from this effort to inject all humans with a mRNA formula that alters cellular function without safeguards.
Historically, over 100 years ago, pathogens were the main cause of death in the United States because of the lack of sanitary disposal systems and lack of clean water and clean food. Read Upton Sinclair: “The Jungle”. By the time Big Pharma started pushing vaccines, the cause of death was heart disease and cancers as the main culprits. In spite of that, the vaccine manufacturers through their marketing programs convinced the medical profession that vaccines were saving lives. So, today our newborns till they are 16 are subject to about 72 vaccines, not counting the new push to have the RNA injections added to the regimen. Ignoring the fact that autism has gone from 1 in 10,000 except for Amish children to 1 in 34! An original evil lie.
Heart disease is the number one killer today, and Cancer is in second place. In third place is Death by Medicine which was determined by Gary Null and his researchers over 20 years ago. Heart Disease and Cancer are lifestyle issues that are driven by the foods we consume, trace toxins/chemicals that deplete our body defenses and other lifestyle issues that are ignored by the mainstream medicine man whose focus is to treat the symptoms and not demand that we eliminate the root causes.
The fact that in 1950 that medical costs were only 10% of GDP and today account for 20% of GDP speaks loudly to the fact that ill health of Americans has continued to rise and over 50% of the US population are diagnosed with inflammatory disease states today.
We now layer the NEW push to treat all disease states through RNA and DNA altering injections to both humans and animals will only compound the emerging ill health issues that the Covid con has created.
The evil lies told have been compounded since 2020 and are being expanded and endorsed by our medical agencies in Washington.
The definition of a vaccine was alerted so they could call the mRNA injections a vaccine to make it more palatable to the American public in accepting the injection.
The second evil lie was that they are safe and effective! The FDA VAERS system which was created to monitor the negative impact of vaccine and now the mRNA injections have been overwhelmed and the true extent of harm and deaths created are not known. Ed Dowd puts the number at about 300,000 deaths. I believe based on my research and interpretation of the VAERS system that is NOT being managed properly, that the number is at least 600,000 and if you couple that with the number of deaths caused by the Fatal Fauci Medical protocols and lack of proper medical treatment, using ventilators and putting Covid patients in nursing homes we have around a million Americans who have died needlessly.
Here is a more detailed analysis of the VAERS system:
Here is my response to this report:
The greed generated by the financial incentives to inject and treat with Fauci's Fatal protocol need to be hidden and denied. In addition, my view is that the FDA doesn't have the manpower to manage the VAERS system that is overwhelmed! Dr. Kessler was the last FDA Director who believed he had the job of protecting American citizens from harm. The Tobacco lobby successfully pushed Dr. Kessler and Dr. Koop out of their positions because they wanted tobacco products to be considered a drug since they delivered nicotine which is harmful overtime. Excerpt from my book. Dr. Kessler, who was in charge in the 1990’s, only one of the two FDA Commissioners I remember that truly put patient safety first, stated he believed that only 1% of ADR’s are ever reported. The actual death toll from Zomax was truly much greater and a factor of 20 is very plausible. The same issue is true in 2022, when the VAERS system has reported by October that about 32,000 have died from mRNA injections. Also, the lack of reporting of ADR’s is a major factor. My view is that the FDA is OVERWHELMED with adverse reports on the mRNA injections and the input is not up to date because of LACK OF REVIEWERS TO PROCESS THE RAW DATA. In turn, the data being released is just the tip of the Medical Titanic Iceberg and the truth is being hidden and will not be known for years! They will NOT allocate more labor to the VAERS system!
In turn, it is my opinion that Death by Medicine has now become the leading cause of death in the United States.
In the meantime, both heart disease issues and cancer cases are dramatically increasing, and it is being reported that the RNA injections are the root cause.
Big Medicine answer to treating heart disease is to prescribe a “statin” drug. The rationale is that cholesterol is the culprit, and it can be reduced by reducing the liver’s ability to produce cholesterol. Ignoring the fact that every cell in the body needs cholesterol to survive and the body can’t manufacture Vitamin D that is essential for good health without it. What is ignored is the fact that the root cause of inflammatory conditions in the blood vessels are ignored and lifestyle adjustments are not pushed. Now we know that the Spike Protein from the RNA injections are creating inflammatory heart conditions and are being ignored. Rather than address the root cause, a 30 Billion dollar statin drug business for the life of the patient has been created. Maximizes profitability. In 1989 Merck researchers knew that statin drugs deplete a key enzyme called Co Q 10. To this day, the majority of physicians that prescribe the statin drug do not tell the patient to supplement with Co Q 10!
Likewise, the cancer industry answer to treating cancers is slash, burn and poison the cancer cells. Women are encouraged to have mammograms so their breast cancer can be treated earlier to save lives. What they don’t do is test for Vitamin D deficiency. Dr. William Grant recently stated that all cancer causes can be reduced by 50% if we boost blood value of vitamin D above 50ng’s. We have gone from 1 in 22 (1960) women acquiring breast cancer to 1 in 8. Again, lifestyle issues and lack of Vitamin D play major roles. Studies indicate that the risk of acquiring breast cancer can be reduced by 80% if all women had a blood value of over 50 ng’s. Ignored! Currently, the average American carries half of that amount. It has also been proven, the lower the blood value of vitamin D, the higher the risk of dying from Covid. Vitamin D and other key nutrients are essential for maintaining our number one defense against all pathogens. Our Immune system! Today, cancer rates are exploding because of the impact of the spike proteins turbocharging abnormal cells.
There are many more evil lies that have been told, and they are being documented in books that are being written. RFK Jr. in his book “The Real Anthony Fauci” covers many of them.
It is heart breaking for me to learn that a beautiful angel has succumbed to cancer at a young age. Should never have happened. Listen to the tribute to her God given talent that ended way too soon.
In memory of Patricia Janeckova.
When will we stop Evil lies from creating our life experiences? Evil spelled backwards is LIVE!
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas Braun RPh
PS: FDA is now allowing RNA manufacturers to report “Adverse Drug Reactions” after the injection has been approved for injecting as “unanticipated events”. Another way of spinning the harm to make it acceptable. Humans are now lab rats.
Thankyou for that most interesting article on good and evil! It made me remember how, over 60 yrs ago as a young atheist here in UK, I angrily asked a religious person to define “good & evil” …who knows what is true etc? You know the kinds of questions! She kindly and mildly showed me the verse in John 17:17 where Jesus said “your word is truth”
So, after much research on the possibility that there just MIGHT be a Creator and he MIGHT have a “Word” I gradually came to believe. I particularly liked how the ancient Beroans were described as “more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they accepted the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, CAREFULLY EXAMINING the Scriptures daily to see whether these things (that Paul and Silas had been talking to them about) were so” I decided to always let my legal training find the evidence , and , happily for my family, it paid off ! I came to believe I could live my life by checking everything , my beliefs & standards and things I heard from others to see if they measured up to the Holy Bible using it as a base line so to speak The apostle Paul put it nicely when he said “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for SETTING THINGS STRAIGHT” …Yes Spiritual truth can be identified It should surely influence people’s lives for good not evil? Love not hate For example, It should make one a more honest, peace loving , better husband, father, mother, wife , doctor, nurse, teacher, etc…especially when we read what God has promised for the future of the earth!
Well this is too long ! So , to finish, I’d like to say, surely all who love goodness as opposed to evil will be moved by these words from Isaiah “I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One causing you to tread in the way in which you should walk ..o if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! Then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea” It’s certainly proved true in my case and I am eternally grateful that God showed mercy to me way back then! Thanks again Dr Braun Look forward to reading more of your thought-provoking essays
Work in LTC or hospital for a few months. Later, Medical records. Oh! How telling! And it wasn't covid itself. The new regulations w already short staffed facilities. The 14 days out initially, to 10 days put later, w bug or possible exposure. Testing revealed some had it, but no symptoms, so out anyway. Those staffing shortages drove more people to quit their jobs. Then supply chain & trucking issues. It was dastardly. Many, many 60-80 hour weeks. Some admitted being exposed on purpose. Our facility was said to have paid some lower paid staff. Nobody paid us for sticking w our jobs and keeping healthy. Yes, still resentful.