Thankyou for that most interesting article on good and evil! It made me remember how, over 60 yrs ago as a young atheist here in UK, I angrily asked a religious person to define “good & evil” …who knows what is true etc? You know the kinds of questions! She kindly and mildly showed me the verse in John 17:17 where Jesus said “your word is truth”

So, after much research on the possibility that there just MIGHT be a Creator and he MIGHT have a “Word” I gradually came to believe. I particularly liked how the ancient Beroans were described as “more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they accepted the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, CAREFULLY EXAMINING the Scriptures daily to see whether these things (that Paul and Silas had been talking to them about) were so” I decided to always let my legal training find the evidence , and , happily for my family, it paid off ! I came to believe I could live my life by checking everything , my beliefs & standards and things I heard from others to see if they measured up to the Holy Bible using it as a base line so to speak The apostle Paul put it nicely when he said “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for SETTING THINGS STRAIGHT” …Yes Spiritual truth can be identified It should surely influence people’s lives for good not evil? Love not hate For example, It should make one a more honest, peace loving , better husband, father, mother, wife , doctor, nurse, teacher, etc…especially when we read what God has promised for the future of the earth!

Well this is too long ! So , to finish, I’d like to say, surely all who love goodness as opposed to evil will be moved by these words from Isaiah “I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One causing you to tread in the way in which you should walk ..o if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! Then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea” It’s certainly proved true in my case and I am eternally grateful that God showed mercy to me way back then! Thanks again Dr Braun Look forward to reading more of your thought-provoking essays

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Work in LTC or hospital for a few months. Later, Medical records. Oh! How telling! And it wasn't covid itself. The new regulations w already short staffed facilities. The 14 days out initially, to 10 days put later, w bug or possible exposure. Testing revealed some had it, but no symptoms, so out anyway. Those staffing shortages drove more people to quit their jobs. Then supply chain & trucking issues. It was dastardly. Many, many 60-80 hour weeks. Some admitted being exposed on purpose. Our facility was said to have paid some lower paid staff. Nobody paid us for sticking w our jobs and keeping healthy. Yes, still resentful.

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Dr. Braun - watched video of the talented young lady who died if cancer, is it known related to the Vx and is there a write up you can share? I believe it was if we know she was forced to take them but others I might share with will require they see his hands and touch his wounds.

God Bless you and your work.

They will bear fruit according to His will and in His time.


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She was an angel gone to heaven too early! Have no clue on cause of cancer, but we know RNA injections are causing a dramatic increase. The DC clowns are doing nothing to stop it.


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