The following was written in 2021. Updates in ( ).
10 years ago, I traveled to Washington DC to speak to my congressperson in regard to the exponential rise of autism in the United States and what could be done about it. Prior to 1986 when Congress passed legislation that absolved vaccine manufacturers from liability the autism rate in the United States was one in 10,000 children. Today it is one in 50 children, which equates to over 100,000 children a year being diagnosed with autism. Regardless of political affiliation I was told by the congressperson that ”their hands were tied.” The translation is that if they venture to suggest that a committee be formed in Congress to investigate autism their career in politics was over. FEAR of being targeted by Big Pharma and the end of their political career was driving their mindset. Dr. Koop, Surgeon General and Dr. Kessler, FDA commissioner learned the hard way in the 1990’s that Big Tobacco would not like the FDA to control the sale of tobacco. They both lost their jobs.
Six years later an outsider called Donald Trump decided to run for the presidency of the United States without any knowledge of how Washington works and who the puppet masters are. He announced prior to election that he would nominate Robert F Kennedy Jr to be the head of a special committee to investigate autism in the United States. That struck FEAR in the heart of Big Pharma when this man who they predicted would not win the presidency won. To stop this investigation Pfizer donated $1,000,000 to the Republican Party and in turn a Big Pharma insider from Eli Lilly named Alex Azar was appointed to run NIH, and miraculously RFK Jr never was appointed to investigate the source of autism.
In 2020, the emergence of a virus from Wuhan China which WHO announced would kill over 2 million Americans in 2020 struck FEAR into the hearts of Americans. In turn, the CDC with Dr. Fauci being the supreme authority charted the path to protect the American people. The solution was to turn to Big Pharma to find a solution. Only an injection of a viral like molecule that tricks the immune system and reprograms cellular function was the answer. To sell the concept, they said it was a vaccine that has saved so many lives around the world. Ignoring the fact that the rise in vaccination since 1986 and the rise in Autism have the same chart pattern. It is not a vaccine since it does not stimulate the immune system directly to produce antibodies. A multi multi million-dollar educational campaign with the help of Big Media and Big Tech deciding what is the truth is being waged to convince everyone that the injections are the only salvation. (We now know it was a 1 Billion dollar budget!)
All other medical protocols that have been found to work are discredited. Since data shows that 99.8% of those who acquire the virus survive, herd immunity could be achieved naturally. We are now on a third booster shot since two have not worked! Pfizer, J&J and AstraZeneca have all joined the mRNA gold rush. Surprisingly, Merck who is #1 in vaccine development declined and leap frogged to find a Pill. What did Merck know that stopped them from joining the injection frenzy? Is Pfizer not far behind in announcing a pill once they have sold all the mRNA injections they can.
(Yep. It is called Paxlovid)
In Israel, it is reported that a vaccinated man became a super spreader when he was infected with a Covid variant and over 200 of the hospital staff all proved positive for the virus and the man died.
This is what Dr. Robert Malone; the creator of the mRNA injection concept has been warning everyone about. It is called an ADE reaction and the human becomes a massive petri dish for the virus. He has become persona non-grata with the CDC etc.
Pfizer mRNA injection has been given to almost 90% of the Israeli population. It is now reported a similar episode has emerged in San Francisco:
In the meantime, the following has been reported:
Pfizer has now hired twenty-two separate lobbying firms, all in Washington, DC, to craft drug policy in the United States. Yes, that is the accurate #. TWENTY-TWO lobbying firms. Tons of top Congressional staffers & former WH officials have been recruited to push Pfizer's agenda in DC.
Will the Congressperson receive a subtle message to play ball and support the Pfizer agenda or else…, striking FEAR in their heart for their political future?
As of October 1, (2021) a total of 185 MILLION Americans have received two injections and are now subject to being reinfected and becoming super spreaders. Dr. Fauci now says a Booster for all will be the Ultimate? For whom is he working? How many pattens does he own? I FEAR for my Family and Friends who so willingly got the injections out of FEAR and the perception that they will help end this nightmare.
We are only now seeing growing side effects emerging from the UNDERUTILIZED VAERS reporting system.
CDC reports indicate an upturn in the US deaths and downturn in infections in the US as of Oct 1 which points to the Super spreaders who are infected! The bias message is blaming the unvaccinated, when in reality it is from the vaccinated. When will we stop going down this road to oblivion?
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh.
We are under attack and the greater percentage of people still have no clue. "Vaccine" is the ruling class weapon of choice. The most tragic part of this entire ordeal is the toll it is taking on the health of the children. There are some seriously evil people running the world right now.
While I have authored or coauthored several articles on autism risk and vitamin D, I noticed that the rapid increase in autism rates in the U.S. and elsewhere could not be explained by changes in population mean 25(OH)D concentrations. I also noted that there was a very strong lobby protecting vaccine interests and those who criticized childhood vaccination programs could jeopardize their scientific career. Andrew Wakefield proposed the vaccine-autism link in an article in the Lancet in1998. That article was retracted in 2010. Retraction is one of the approaches used in the Disinformation Playbook that is now being applied to Ivermectin. Several peer-reviewed positive Ivermectin articles have been retracted in the past year or so. Dr. Mark R. Geier and his son David Geier published a number of articles in the early years of the twentieth century showing that mercury, used as an adjuvant in vaccines, could explain the physiological symptoms associated with vaccinations and autism. For Marr Geier's efforts, he lost his medical license.