We are under attack and the greater percentage of people still have no clue. "Vaccine" is the ruling class weapon of choice. The most tragic part of this entire ordeal is the toll it is taking on the health of the children. There are some seriously evil people running the world right now.

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It is a sneaky weapon of choice that is destroying the integrity of the human body.

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Very sneaky. As I said, these are very evil people. They have no respect for human life. The more suffering they create, the more lethal remedies they can offer.

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While I have authored or coauthored several articles on autism risk and vitamin D, I noticed that the rapid increase in autism rates in the U.S. and elsewhere could not be explained by changes in population mean 25(OH)D concentrations. I also noted that there was a very strong lobby protecting vaccine interests and those who criticized childhood vaccination programs could jeopardize their scientific career. Andrew Wakefield proposed the vaccine-autism link in an article in the Lancet in1998. That article was retracted in 2010. Retraction is one of the approaches used in the Disinformation Playbook that is now being applied to Ivermectin. Several peer-reviewed positive Ivermectin articles have been retracted in the past year or so. Dr. Mark R. Geier and his son David Geier published a number of articles in the early years of the twentieth century showing that mercury, used as an adjuvant in vaccines, could explain the physiological symptoms associated with vaccinations and autism. For Marr Geier's efforts, he lost his medical license.

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If there is a Mercury spill from a broken thermometer they call in a Hazmat team to Mop it up! But it’s OK in multi vial vaccines!

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Are you aware that there is some research studies that indicate that women taking Tylenol acetaminophen during pregnancy may predispose the newborn to autism. A woman is Suing CVS And Walgreens for selling Tylenol and acetaminophen because she took it during her pregnancy and her 2 1/2 year old child was diagnosed with autism. Why they are not suing the manufacturer I don’t have a clue. It was in the early 1980s that J&J did a study which was a paper study and interviewed women whose child was diagnosed with Reyes syndrome and they asked them what they gave them for pain. The answer came back aspirin, but it was a generic word for pain pill and in a lot of the cases it was Tylenol. Since Reye syndrome develops in the liver and acetaminophen negatively impacts the liver I got to believe it is true. The president of Glenbrook who was President at the time told me the story! It was sharp Marketing on J&J part to push baby Tylenol over baby aspirin. It could very well be it’s a combination of toxins in vaccines and in baby drugs that are causing the autism to develop. Tom

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it's definitely a deep deception and from the outset designed to shape society with fear and control measures.

Well before the epidemic spread from China the elites had held a live simulation exercise “to prepare public and private leaders for pandemic response”:

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will host Event 201: a high-level simulation exercise for pandemic preparedness and response, in New York, USA, on Friday 18 October, 08.45 - 12.30 EDT

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