It wasn't obvious to me at first, but the Covid virus is a RNA molecule that enters human cells and reprograms to duplicate the covid virus entity. The stupid solution is to inject a m(messgenger) RNA entity that REPROGRAMS CELLS function, which in turn means the immune system now has to destroy the abnormal cell. If immune system is weak disease states multiple in the host. Us. Happy Thanksgiving.

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I noticed that in his last line of his last message to everyone is that he states to get your "shot"....not a vaccine. Interesting....vaccines are supposed to "end" or "cure" the disease they are meant for, whereas a shot is something you need to keep getting. After getting sick with the Flu every time I got a flu shot....I decided that I would no longer get the flu shot. In 25 years I have had the Flu twice...with only mild issues. After my 2nd shot of the Covid "vaccine"....I developed breathing issues that now warrants me to use my walker for long walks....I decided not to get a booster (for obvious reasons). I did get Covid....but it was mild. Not sure if that was because of the "vaccine" or me. Needless to say, no more boosters....don't want to take another risk.....

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Get those boosters! Hope we can hold him accountable!

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