Historical events that have shaped the future of the US from the time Dwight Eisenhower was President and expressed by RFK Jr. and his views. Here are some highlights that struck me as being significant.
Three days before Ike left office, and JFK became President, he warned of the influence that the military/industrial complex has on global events. JFK wanted to shut down the Vietnam war. The first US casualty was John Andersen, in 1958. He was the first advisor to be kill in Vietnam. (Will we learn of US citizens being casualties in Ukraine because they were advisors?)
When Robert Kennedy was Attorney General, J Edgar Hoover reported to RFK.
When Lyndon Johnson was sworn in on the same day as the assassination, it did not take long for J Edgar Hoover to now report to Lyndon Johnson. There was no love between J Edgar and Lyndon with the Kennedy’s. RFK wanted to fire Hoover.
Bobby Kennedy obtained the phone records of Jack Ruby, for the 30 days prior to the assassination, and discovered that Ruby had been talking to all the mob heads that RFK had prosecuted. (Ruby told Earl Warren of the Warren Commission, that he would tell the truth if he got protection..never happened).
The supposed shooter of RFK was Shran Shran with a pistol that held six shots.
He fired twice at RFK and missed and he was restrainted and fired wildly with the other four bullets. Many more bullets were fired than 6 and the ones that killed RFK had tell tale powder burns on JFK which meant very close range. RFK Jr. believes the security guard who was hired two days before RFK visit at the hotel was the shooter. (Sure sounds like a similar scenario went down in Dallas).
This was not discussed, but has importance. John Dulles (CIA) was on the Warren Commission as well as Gerald Ford. When Nixon (who wanted to repopen the Warren commission report) resigned over Watergate, Gerald Ford became President and his first Executive order was to ban the CIA from any activity within US borders. (Havn’t got a clue if that is true today) All I know is Oswalds’ last phone call was to a CIA appointed cutout. (A go between a CIA asset and the CIA controller.)
In 2005, Kennedy wrote a blockbuster Rolling Stone magazine article titled “Deadly Immunity,” which presented compelling evidence of an ongoing vaccine safety cover-up led by U.S. national health bureaucrats, including transcripts of a 2000 CDC conference in Norcross, Georgia, where researchers presented information linking the mercury compound thimerosol with neurological problems in children.
Big Pharma fought back and deplatformed RFK Jr., “he was a leper, banned from social media platforms, including Twitter and Facebook, repeatedly attacked by network television personalities and by members of his own family as an “embarrassment” and a “moron.” Meanwhile, his book attacking Anthony Fauci, the high priest of the COVID order, became an Amazon bestseller.”
Samuel’s comment: Whenever a hole appears in the ozone layer of received opinion, it is sure to be quickly labeled a “conspiracy theory” by a large technology platform. The lab leak in Wuhan was a conspiracy theory, as was the idea that the U.S. government was funding gain-of-function research; the idea that the development of mRNA vaccines was part of a Pentagon biowarfare effort from which Bill Gates boasted of making billions of dollars; the idea that masking schoolchildren had zero effect on the transmission of COVID; the idea that the FBI and the White House were directly censoring Twitter, Google, and Facebook; the idea that the information on Hunter Biden’s laptop showing that he received multi-million-dollar payoffs from agents of foreign powers including China and Russia was real. The most offensive thing about these falsehoods is not the fact that they later turned out to be supported by evidence, which can happen to even the most unlikely seeming hypothesis. Rather, it is that the people who labeled them “false” often knew full well from the beginning that they were true, and were seeking to avoid the consequences; that is how a truth becomes a “conspiracy theory.”
RFK Jr sees that our government is in cahoots with corporate: Here is a comment on pollutors: And the colonel who ran the Corps of Engineers, whom they visited 11 times in Manhattan, he finally told them, these are important people—meaning the Penn Central Board of Directors, we can’t stop them. [The Garretts] realize, “Oh, OK, government is in cahoots with the polluters.” If you’re a big shot, you can destroy people’s livelihoods. You can privatize the commons, you can poison the fish, and nobody’s going to stop you because you own the regulatory agencies.
RFK Jr: At NIH [National Institutes of Health], as it turns out, they’re doing very little in the way of basic scientific research. What NIH should be doing is saying, OK, what’s the answer to this interesting question: Why is it that in my generation, I’m 69, the rate of autism is 1 in 10,000, while in my kids’ generation it’s 1 in 34? Now, I would argue that a lot of that is from the vaccine schedule, which changed in 1989. But what nobody can argue about is that it has to be an environmental exposure of some kind. ( A quasi Medical agency is the “Nationa Academy of Medicine) formerly called IOM (Institute of Medicine) that shapes medical policy and has about 2000 directors from corporate and academy. They pontificated that Blood value of vitamin D is OK at 25 ng’s) Wrong.) Does anyone wonder why NIH and etc can’t be objective?
Samuels comment: The opioid crisis kills 56,000 young Americans every year, and they knew it. RFK Jr Responce: Right. Everybody knows big pharma is crooked. So if you’re a Democrat and a liberal, you have to say yes, they are crooked in every aspect of their business—except for vaccines.
I think the three big pharma companies have paid $35 billion in criminal penalties and civil damages over the last decade or so. So they’re chronic felons. Why do you think that just with this one product they found Jesus and they are going to behave?
Samuels comment: Although of course Trump is the one that brought us the COVID vaccines, right?
RFK Jr. responce: He brought us Fauci. He brought us the vaccines. He allowed Fauci to kill ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and he brought us the lockdowns and all that. But they ignore that. And they say, OK, Fauci is good, Trump is bad. And anybody who tries to depart from that orthodoxy is dangerous. And you have to discredit them. You cannot debate them. The heretics must be burned. They must not be allowed to speak.
My final thought! Now we know why they want to shut up Tucker and have no Presidential Democratic debates. They fear Tucker and RFK Jr. working as a team to tell the public the truth! A dictator doesn't allow descent! RJK Jr. has stated that he has been deplatformed for decades because of his views on vaccinations! The fact that Joe Biden says he will NOT debate means he must win at all costs to keep the deception alive and well! The American Public must not learn the truth and need to be gas lite for another 19 months! The DNC problem is to keep burying the opposition: Tucker, RJK Jr. and President Trump under a manure pile as well as all the other truth seekers who start to get traction! . The globalists are in this together with Big Pharma. In the meantime, they will just continue to inject our children! Not for good health but to push mRNA injections as the new $$$$$ treatment protocol for disease states. Making sure they are safe and effective is not part of the agenda! The David Samuels extensive interview with RFK Jr. is a eye opener and is an education on political landscape since Ike was President. The last President that spoke out against the military/industrial complex that has sent us down the wrong road in history with the help of J Edgar Hoover and the CIA! Read the book! Secret Life of J Edgar Hoover! You can read Samuel's interview here: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/arts-letters/articles/robert-f-kennedy-jr-interview-david-samuels?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Very enlightening interview.
RFK said the ones doing the censoring are never in the right.
I'm sure Tucker Carlson would agree with him.