Very enlightening interview.

RFK said the ones doing the censoring are never in the right.

I'm sure Tucker Carlson would agree with him.

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The manipulators have the$$$ !

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RFK, Jr. is the only candidate so far to take on Big Pharma/Covid/Clot Shots, as well as all other vaccines. This tells me that Covid and the clot shots are a third rail, and they are here to stay. Let’s see if Bobby can get some uncensored air time on these. Meanwhile, the rest of us know where we stand, and we have work to do.

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Latest data on RX Consumer spending 8 BILLION in 2022. That's why Mass Media rolls over and plays dead and blocks RFK Jr. and all the other truth tellers!


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In 1935 it was BOOK BURNING, today it is MEDIA BLOCKING! Here is Lew Rockwell analysis. Similar to mine. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/05/lew-rockwell/why-tucker-carlson-had-to-be-purged-2/

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