It has been reported many times that the majority of Americans live from pay check to pay check. Now that the Biden revolutionary plan to drive energy costs up to force Americans to drive electric cars instead of gas guzzling, pollution emiting engines is in full swing and cost of a tank fill up is now $100 or more the question is: Will this be successful? California is jumping the gun even more and putting small business owner truckers out of work with their policies.
There are almost 290 million cars in America and most are gas guzzling, but now the pay check to pay check drivers are running out of money to fill their tanks to go to work.
The brick and mortor retailers around the county are an easy mark and shop lifting is increasing, as well as creative ways of having the retailer fund their energy needs.
Draining gas tanks at night and cutting out the catalytic converter rich in platinum is also on the rise.
Years ago, when I was in charge of drug marketing at Walgreens for drugs,vitamins and prescription products, I was sent a newspaper article from Texas. The paper ran the story about a women who bought an expensive bottle of ADVIL 300 tablets at a price then of about $20 and found the bottle contained PINTO Beans! The story manager refused to refund her the money when she bought the bottle of PINTO Beans in the Advil bottle for a refund. He thought she was the con artisit.
Thinking it though, I realized that a previous customer who was low on money filled the Advil bottle up with the Pinto Beans returned it to the store and the refund was given and the bottle went back on the shelf without being checked for contents. Costco employees are well trained to check for fraud.
This happened around the time of the Tylenol poisonings when a person brought a bottle of contaminated Tylenol capsule into retail stores (Walgreens, Jewel, Woolworth, Wheaton Grocery store) and added some of the cyanide capsules to the exisiting bottles of Tylenol on the shelf in the Chicago area in 1983. 7 INNOCENTS died. (This was the name of the book I never finished)
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To stop this from happening, a multi-billion repackaging industry was born to safety seal any product in a bottle or package that would be consumed.
To avoid a repeat of the Tylenol tragedy of having a contaminated product being returned by a customer and accidently returned to the retail shelf, I directed the stores to no longer return any OTC drug or vitamin products to the shelf, but to return to the manufactuer for credit. I hope this is the norm across retail today.
The Economic snowball is rolling down hill to hell. The doubling of gas cost has taken about $435 BILLION dollars out of the pocket of the American consumer over the past two years according to my calculations. See for more info: Gasoline Inflation in the United States (1968-2022) | US Inflation Calculator
Shop lifting is up and stores like Walgreens and CVS have closed store in high crime areas like downtown San Francisco. In Chicago, Aldi’s on South Chicago closed because it had become a free lunch basket. Lori Lightfoot reacted by scolding Aldi’s for closing the store. Aldi’s should scold the mayor for being soft on criminals, not having the policeman’s back and not firing her States Attorney Foxx. Pandering for votes is more important than keeping Americans safe. Retailers profit margins are shrinking due to shop lifting that is rampant all around the country.
Banks credit card operations are seeing increasing credit default and their profit margins are shrinking.
I wonder how many Tesla’s have been bought on credit, and now the owner is defaulting due to inflation. If we get black outs and brown outs this summer and beyond, how will the Tesla owner get to work. A hybrid seems to be the transition model that is being ignored. Also, how can our electric grid accomodate 300 million electric vechicles when we are already experiencing outages. Again. politicians without brains making the decisions.
Biden admistration is now in the process of redefining the definition of a recession so that Americans still vote for their green revolution plans that are draconian and were promulgated without educating the American public and listening to their concerns including how they were going to make a living when the dollar could not be stretched any tighter. The billions handed out during the Covid preplanned crisis are gone and desparation is coming to the door step of millions of Americans. I think we should all pay our taxes in Pinto Beans and maybe someone in DC will wake up. Maybe the self centered politicians will on November 9th. Wish Joe well! Send him a can!
The path to GOOD Health is Good Nutrition including ample Vitamin D over 50 ng's and void of toxins from the food supply, drugs/injections and the environment, coupled with exercise and mind body harmony. I call it N2E+ for Life.
No need, Tom. You covered the waterfront quite well. Have a great day!