Not my body. As a long time nurse.... I’m so embarrassed and horrified by how they went with this. It’s blown my mind. I always heard rumors of vaccine pay outs... but as a nurse I never saw or was given one. It all makes sense now. So barf 🤮
So disturbing on so many levels. And anyone who believes the lies told by their own physicians or were afraid to challenge them to their faces, rolled up your sleeves and took the jab, you who chose to react in fear. The MSM. They are an arm of the government delivering the propaganda. I guess I’m a skeptic by nature but I saw too many signs that were red flags from day 1. I had hoped others would have seen it too but that didn’t happen.
I know many couldn’t afford to lose your jobs, have families to feed and bills to pay. People like myself tried to sound the alarm but were shut down. Being in a position to quit it was an easy decision and I felt it was important to stand up to the mandates. But not enough people were able or wanted to take a stand. We were called out and accused of spreading misinformation. And now look where we are at. The biggest scam in history.
Not my body. As a long time nurse.... I’m so embarrassed and horrified by how they went with this. It’s blown my mind. I always heard rumors of vaccine pay outs... but as a nurse I never saw or was given one. It all makes sense now. So barf 🤮
So disturbing on so many levels. And anyone who believes the lies told by their own physicians or were afraid to challenge them to their faces, rolled up your sleeves and took the jab, you who chose to react in fear. The MSM. They are an arm of the government delivering the propaganda. I guess I’m a skeptic by nature but I saw too many signs that were red flags from day 1. I had hoped others would have seen it too but that didn’t happen.
I know many couldn’t afford to lose your jobs, have families to feed and bills to pay. People like myself tried to sound the alarm but were shut down. Being in a position to quit it was an easy decision and I felt it was important to stand up to the mandates. But not enough people were able or wanted to take a stand. We were called out and accused of spreading misinformation. And now look where we are at. The biggest scam in history.
I feel your emotion and pain! Humanity is being used as lab animals!