Joe! Wake Up!
Doesn't anyone in DC understand that we are inching closer to a nuclear winter that will last for decades?
Yesterday, I was reminded how important the sun is to the existence of all living things on earth. As the solar eclipse reached it’s zenith I recognized that the temperature of the air dropped dramatically. It is reported that the temperature drop is 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Fortunately it is only temporary.
Scientists believe that the dinosaurs disappeared because of a massive asteroid colliding with the earth and creating a dense cloud formation of materiel that enclosed the earth atmosphere with the result being a nuclear winter. Temperature dropped below freezing around the world. They point to the fact that a layer of iridium which is not found naturally on earth was discovered around the world in a layer of the earth’s crust and confirms this theory that the iridium was delivered by the asteroid.
Without the sun, the earth becomes cold and all vegetation dies. No food. In turn all animals die including humans.
Today, we have the capacity through a nuclear war to recreate a massive asteroid strike that will terminate all life on earth.
Biden authorized the movement of nuclear weapons to be moved from American soil to England. Ukraine created drone (supplied by the US?) strikes that attacked Russian air bases in Russia. ISIS had safe passage through Ukraine to attack Moscow itself. I don’t have a clue what will transpire next, but the chess pieces keep getting knocked off the board as we move closer to irrational behavior that can trigger the release of atomic bombs. A chain reaction of retaliation can follow.
The following article needs to be read by all in DC who are exhibiting irrational behavior from the top down. The capacity exists to return the earth to a pile of rocks.
I guess we will not have to worry about global warming which is totally misconstrued
if we create a nuclear winter.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
PS: Mr. Facebook is building a 250 million dollar bunker estate on Kauai. He may be able to survive if he has stock piled enough food. Obama has a 25 acre estate on Oahu and may be preparing for the same event. Oprah has her estate on Maui. Do they know something we don’t? Is Obama hedging his bets since he also has an estate in Dubai?
A good book to while away the time while we wait, for anybody who's interested... "Area 51", by Annie Jacobsen.