Let's talk about the bottom line! About 200 drug manufacturers around the world see mRNA injections as the holy grail for profit! The Covid mRNA injection that reprograms cellular function and alters DNA is just the first of many more to come. Dr. Malone briefly addressed this issue on Tuesday at the end of the days Congressional committee which highlighted the great harm that has been done.
The harm done is being ignored and is demonstrated by the fact the CDC still is pushing the injections which are designed to make humanity accept them as the new allopathic medicine model. Pfizer and et al are running Consumer advertising encouraging you to continue to get injected. They need to make these drug injections become main stream medicine to keep the allopathic medicine model from collapsing! Some scientists including Dr. Malone believe that we can fix genetic errors that create disease states with the injections. That is not where Big Pharma is going because that is a small segment of the disease states and that is not where the money is. Since the NIH and CDC and the FDA are captive to Big Pharma the carnage we are seeing continues on and will not stop until we find enough Congressman in DC to put humanity ahead of their their own self interests! That is the reality of what we are facing and will continue to have to deal with for the immediate future. As more humans die off, maybe then there will be a grass roots revolt!
The VAERS system is reporting about 32,000 deaths from the injection. Statistics tell us it is at least 20 times that number for a number of reason. Puts it at 640,000 realistically.
Testimony from an Insurance statistic analyst had the following to say confirms this ball park number. Listen here:
Dr. Malone was asked what the future holds for thes mRNA injections
Confirmed my view for the last two years that the mRNA injection was the first of many to come. He confirmed over 100 Drug companies are working on developing nano drug injections for health and genetic issues. It is called “gene therapy” and alters DNA of the recepient. They lied and said it does not alter the genes.
It was also clear they lied about the injections only impacting muscle tissue. The spike proteion is found in every organ in the body.
The EAU “Emergency Authorization Use” commitment absolves the manufactuerer of all liability if the injection does harm. Humanity is becoming the experimental animal for Big Pharma’s profitability. Not good medicine.
When 35% of the American people still believe that the injections are saving their lives nothing will change until they start dying off early. Life span in the US has gone from 79 years to 77 years and is continuing to decline!
It’s sad to report that the physicians in America are staying the injection course and not rebelling. Dr. Mercola explains why!
Terrific linK! Folks, you have to go look at it!
Perhaps it is Big Pharma that has been hijacked by the DOD? And Big Intel? Mil Intel?
That would explain a lot, wouldn't it?
After a bit of info on this, it seems it isn't being mentioned as much now.
Still, I was surprised they are ending the Military mandate.