Terrific linK! Folks, you have to go look at it!

Perhaps it is Big Pharma that has been hijacked by the DOD? And Big Intel? Mil Intel?

That would explain a lot, wouldn't it?

After a bit of info on this, it seems it isn't being mentioned as much now.

Still, I was surprised they are ending the Military mandate.

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I just finished listening to the astute English Cardiologist who embraced the shots and then realized the great harm that has been created. I thank Dr. Mercola for publicizing it. Every physician in the world should listen to what he has to say. My view has been the same since the beginging because of the medical propaganda which was my red flag and the fact I understand the profit motive of big pharma. All physicians should walk off the job for a day! https://youtu.be/vw7YXUZ1SL0

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