I don't trust a single thing on any coronavirus - if a 'new' solution like they keep pushing, whether shots or pills, China would've already created it for original SARS years ago. They couldn't, and from what I've read neither could they for any other corona, and for all the exact adverse events that are happening now and unavoidable. That is to say, unavoidable when trying to use something other than tested, tried and true - but alas! $cheap - solutions.

I had a long talk with my sister in law today (is been a few months) and sadly discovered she knows quite a lot of people, first degree level, harmed by the Covid shots (blood clots, 2 sudden kidney cancer, neurological, etc) possibly only one of the list she reeled off may have been reported to VAERS as the doctor stated likely cause as "boosters" but that doesn't mean it was actually reported. The rest of the people she says (including family) refuse to connect their health issues with the shots. So heartbreaking.

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Yep Those who embraced the injections don’t wanna believe they made a mistake!

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Dr Braun, Ive been on Elquis for 2 years for AF, is there anyway to not take this? I know that this is not the right forum to ask such a question but im curious to see what other alternatives might be out there. Thank you

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It is a topic for discussion with your physician.

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Agree thank you

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