A new Merck Shingles commercial is warning everyone that 99% of the population carry the herpes zoster virus and is at risk for getting shingles. The truth is that .3% of the population gets shingles per year and it is due to a POOR immune system. It is my understanding that if you acquired chicken pox, you have acquired the herpes zoster virus. They claim that one in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. That is 33% of the US population if true. That will happen over a 78-year life span on average. Rather than identify those at risk, and improve their lifestyle and boost their immune system, the answer is to inject. I did find a NIH statement that said if you were born before 1980, you had a 99% chance of carrying the virus. Seems they shortened the statement to fit the push! Don’t believe that 99% is any more accurate that the 99% effectiveness of the RNA injection which was a BIG Lie!
I don’t trust the numbers that we are told that are used to push drugs and vaccines. The video of how the RNA injections effectiveness changed from 99% to 20% can be view here and was put together by Dr. Malone. He has 330,000 followers! They lied and lied and lied.
The reality is that my immune system is strong and properly reacts to the pathogen and builds antibodies to protect me. It is only those with an impaired immune system who are at risk, and if you are deeply deficient, they are the ones where the injection will not help, and they will still get shingles, Covid or any other pathogen and will need the proper medical treatment to help survive.
The local paper today carried an article encouraging everyone, from baby to senior to get the TRIPLE injections of RNA, RSV and FLU. The Daily Herald believes they are doing a public service for the good of mankind. In reality, the drug marketing push identifies local medical thought leaders that will buy into the marketing program and will be given talking points and or a pre-planned write up that they can add their name to and have it published. Free advertising to keep the injections going!
Please Note, the messages keep changing. The manufacturers are pushing for everyone to get the Triple Injections! Here is what I wrote early on about the injections:
Three injections for everyone!
Nutrient deficiencies are a major cause of ill health. Early in my career, a young man I worked with experienced loss of feeling in his legs and buttock. To be brief, there was a diagnosis, but no solution. I, at the time was learning about nutrition and suggested he take a B-Complex Vitamin daily. Within 30 days, he was back to normal. Unfortunately, today the insidious creep of trace toxins into our factory processed food supply is compounding the disease states we are experiencing. The FDA in all their wisdom sets limits on the amount of trace toxins that can be added to our food sources. Unfortunately, they ignore the compounding CUMULATIVE EFFECT of multiple trace toxins being ingested. In addition, poly pharmacy further exacerbates the issue! There is a seminal research paper that all medical professionals should read and reread. It is published on the NIH site and was from 2017 but ignored by mainstream medicine because they do not benefit from recognizing the true origins of many disease states, we are experiencing today in the US and around the world.
My avocation since retiring is to promote good health thru the understanding that Good Nutrition + Nutrient Supplementation because of nutrient deficiencies in our food supply, including Vitamin D not found in food but from the sun are required! Also Exercise to maintain symmetry plus some form of Meditation to find Mind-Body harmony to destress. I call it N2E+ for Life. Now all we need is to have our representatives in DC to wake up and revamp NIH and all their branches for the benefit of the citizens of the United States and not special interests. The Covid con is an unforgiveable affront to the health and safety of all of us. I pray that our leadership in DC stands up NOW and takes action to stop the RNA push!
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
Check it out yourself at: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USFDA/bulletins/3763aa7
Phillips is another story that has been back pedaled for the last 4 years. The harm done is under reported! FDA is a bias agency which is not working in the best interest of US citizens. Always a dollar short and a day late.
I cannot agree more, and thank for sharing your knowledge and wisedom.