No vaccine is safe or effective. Measles did not kill healthy children and the MMR has been proven to cause SIDS and autism. I think I would rather take my chances with Measles. If you look at most of the childhood vaccines the disease was already on its way out when the vaccine was created. No the benefits of these vaccines does not out weigh the benefits. Unvaccinated children are a lot healthier than vaccinated children and that is a fact. Now does that sound to you like vaccines are good for our children. 40 years ago chronic childhood disease was at 6%. Today childhood disease is at 545. Autism has risen as the number of vaccines has increased. Japan proved in the 90’s that MMR was causing their high incident of SIDS. They stopped using MMR and today their children mortality rate is at the top of the chart for being one of the lowest in the world and the US doesn’t even hit the top 20.

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Until we have true placebo studies of the vaccines on the CDC schedule, including the grouped vaccines, none of them can be assumed to be safe. None of the current vaccines have been tested against a saline placebo -- they are all tested against another vax or against a vax minus the active ingredient (I.e., all the adjuvant garbage). We also desperately need vaxxed vs un-vaxxed studies -- the CDC could easily do this, but they won’t. I wonder why? The few studies of vaxxed vs un-vaxxed we do have show the un-vaxxed have dramatic advantages across the board. The current vax situation, imho, is a key feature of depopulation efforts that have been plotted since at least the 1950s and likely earlier. Seems to me the data showing steady increases in chronic and fatal diseases supports this conclusion.

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