Thank you Thomas for all your thoughts and wisdom. You and many other hard working and knowledgeable/informative Substackers are making this world a better place.

Heartbreaking to hear of stories like Gwen’s.

Sadly, many of my friends and client’s children are on medication for anxiety. I have never heard of so many people having anxiety as I have in the past 5 years and more so since the plandemic. So many contributing factors to the majority of these cases IMO - less live human interaction due to technology, less time spent in nature and poor quality food. I remember my dad removing the TV from our house when my siblings and I were teenagers. I thought my world was going to fall apart. How could I live without Charlie’s Angels, Love Boat and Dallas?! I was furious with my parents and stopped speaking to them for about 3 days. What a brat! They could have cared less that I/we were angry at them. I survived! i became an avid reader, played outside more, and played lots of board games. We also each had chores every day which we rotated every week. And we laughed more. I remember the day after removing the TV, I said to my dad, “I’m bored”. I will never forget what my dad’s dry response was, “ if you’re bored, that usually means YOU are boring”. Then he told me to go out and pull weeds for an hour. Still makes me chuckle. We also ate dinner every night as a family. Now I notice the contrast between then and now. Now I hear parents discussing their concern - fear, whether their child will stop speaking to them if they take the cell or computer away. My other observation is that almost every child who is in a sport have practice ‘till 6-7PM and on Saturdays. They also have out of state tournaments. The parents are busy working and their spare time is used up driving them to practice or staying up late to help their child complete a very complicated homework assignment. IMO, this all begins to build stress, so instead of taking something off their plate to lessen the stress burden, they ADD something to help mask/calm/soothe like these drugs. These drugs then begin to cause so many other issues, contributing more to mental illness and physical ailments. I recognize there are always exceptions and some do need medical/medication assistance. I’m only sharing that which I have witnessed/observed. I also recognize I was fortunate to have parents - both parents, while sadly so many parents out there working long hours to just be able to provide the basic needs for their families. We must help and be of service every day, no matter how small the gesture appears.

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The challenge is to have parents understand source of stress and eliminate it. Not use RX drugs as a band-aid.

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💯 agree!

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Good info. Thank you.

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Unfortunately our politicians and our medicine men don’t discuss this issue properly!

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