Never Ending Saga
Two interesting articles that express the fact that our DC politicians have their head in the sand!
First, is the fact that in California, a class action lawsuit has been implemented against Gilead that provided the money incentivized anti-viral treatment to Covid patients with deadly results. I pray that this lawsuit goes nationwide!
My view:
The fraudulent research on Remdesivir is just the latest gross misrepresentation of a drug treatment that is harmful and causes death!
It is time to criminalize fraudulent medical research that causes harm and death and should be treated no different than first-degree murder! There are over 500 drugs with black box warnings that indicate the risk of dying from the administration of the drug is a REALITY! The FDA is not effective in policing the drug history because it has been emasculated by the very institutions that benefit from pushing drugs to OUR physicians. Only if Congress demands that an arm’s length relationship must exist between the FDA and Big Pharma, nothing will change.
Secondly, the FAA doesn’t recognize the relationship between pilot deaths and the RNA injections: Here is the full story.!
Pilots keep dying. Why? Normal event?
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
There is no way I'm flying in anything. I haven't been in an airliner since 1974, and it is my good luck to not to need to. I'm not even flying with my brother, a private pilot who has had the first two Covid injections, but no more.
I do like your posts: thanks for posting for free today.. I enjoy your posts.. however I only have enough TIME.. and money for a couple Substacks; it is more about the TIME.. because of all the two step authentication I now have to do.. as well as all my Sunstack goes to Junk mail... so make that a half an hour of "finding" stuff. It is October 1, and we have EARLY VOTING In VA.. and I am participant.. in local politics supporting Glenn Youngkin and school board candidates against "semi pornographic" books in our schools. Take care, see you ttyl .. Isabell