There is no way I'm flying in anything. I haven't been in an airliner since 1974, and it is my good luck to not to need to. I'm not even flying with my brother, a private pilot who has had the first two Covid injections, but no more.

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Fly commercial! Lightening can't strike twice when there are two pilots! Or can it happen??

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It is going to happen, just wait and see. Probably happen twice in a short period of time, that's how these things are, remember the Boeing accidents (737-300).

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I do like your posts: thanks for posting for free today.. I enjoy your posts.. however I only have enough TIME.. and money for a couple Substacks; it is more about the TIME.. because of all the two step authentication I now have to do.. as well as all my Sunstack goes to Junk mail... so make that a half an hour of "finding" stuff. It is October 1, and we have EARLY VOTING In VA.. and I am participant.. in local politics supporting Glenn Youngkin and school board candidates against "semi pornographic" books in our schools. Take care, see you ttyl .. Isabell

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