Red Pill
Senator Johnson has hosted a conference on the Covid/RNA Injections that are exposing the rot!
You may find the article by Midwest Doc here: It’s 24-minute read.
My comments on this issue that is causing great harm and is being ignored.
Excellent review of the harm done by the Biowarfare/Big Pharma exercise to change the medical mindset. In spite of the overwhelming evidence that the RNA injections should be stopped, the race to introduce new RNA injections for treating ill health is moving forward at "WARP SPEED" and billions and billions are being invested. In the meantime, the push to keep all medical professionals on board to inject, inject and inject our children is ongoing. Healio, which is a marketing arm of Big Pharma, published the following report on how medical professionals should handle parent's hesitancy to have their children injected.
Also, here is a video produced by my Alma Mater honoring the work of Fauci. I guess they didn’t read the book: “The Real Anthony Fauci” whose work on HIV and Covid/RNA is being celebrated in this video. RFK Jr. doesn’t agree. That’s why they can’t let him anywhere near DC!
Vaccine manufacturers have weaponized our federal health agencies against our children for profit. Mandating vaccines is criminal, and California and New York are in the fore front supported by amoral politicians. NIH admitted in the 1990's that 70 % of all the polio cases were caused by the live Salk polio vaccine. Too late for those who suffered the consequences. The exponential rise in autism cases paces the exponential rise in the number of vaccines being administered to our children and it is denied that it is the root cause. The RNA injections are just the newest layer of harm being administered to our children. When will rational medical thought prevail?
My thoughts for the day!
Thomas A Braun RPh
One in twenty six are autistic today. It's probably higher than that.
Should be job #1 to find out and stop it, but it would hurt Big Pharma's profits.
This is really as big a crime as SARS-CoV-2. Just spread out a little more.
Respectfully, if, as I've read postulated, the mRNA injections are a death sentence at no more than 5 years from injection, then they would be something more than "just the newest layer of harm". don't you think? The foregoing assertion was made by a physician of some repute. Given the morbidity and mortality easily observable globally, I would not be comfortable dismissing such a proposition out of hand. Given also that we are dealing with a KNOWN synthetic biological weapon proven lethal at varying intervals post introduction that can not but be causally related to the unprecedented explosion of terminal maladies, and that no one can KNOW they are not fatal at 5 years out, that that is a very real possibility, I think it imprudent to refer to them as "just the newest layer of harm". From where I sit, mRNA as deployed, looks much more like a realistic potential extinction level agent. No one can know right now that the posit is not accurate.
This is another instance where I would really prefer to be proven wrong. We'll see. Rather, only some of us will see.