You hit the nail on the head when you stated the billions $$$ given to media for commercial advertising of drugs, which, I have heard America is only one of a few countries that allow pharmaceutical commercials. Medical schools don't even have a class in general nutrition and lifestyle, just drug pushing.
There is also the bundles of $$$ pharma gives to FDA, CDC, NIH, et al to partially fund them, as well as the royalties "gov scientiest" receive from pharma, with Fauci being a top recipient. During a congressional oversight hearing Faucie was asked how much $$$ he made in royalties; Fauci's response was that he did not have to disclose the amount of $$$ he recieved/receives in royalties from pharma! One with common sense would believe no Gov employee should receive funding or royalties from obvious conflict of interest.
The dark $$$ flowing predominantly to democRAT politicians for the destruction of America is astounding. I just finished reading Arabella, the dark money network of leftist bilionaires secretly transforming America by Scott Walter and it is truly astonishing. The one thing I found most disturbing was the Warren Buffet foundation was the largest funder of abortion, through their belief in population control. These leftist billionaires are truly evil narcacists.
Why do school shootings only happen in the USA?
You hit the nail on the head when you stated the billions $$$ given to media for commercial advertising of drugs, which, I have heard America is only one of a few countries that allow pharmaceutical commercials. Medical schools don't even have a class in general nutrition and lifestyle, just drug pushing.
There is also the bundles of $$$ pharma gives to FDA, CDC, NIH, et al to partially fund them, as well as the royalties "gov scientiest" receive from pharma, with Fauci being a top recipient. During a congressional oversight hearing Faucie was asked how much $$$ he made in royalties; Fauci's response was that he did not have to disclose the amount of $$$ he recieved/receives in royalties from pharma! One with common sense would believe no Gov employee should receive funding or royalties from obvious conflict of interest.
The dark $$$ flowing predominantly to democRAT politicians for the destruction of America is astounding. I just finished reading Arabella, the dark money network of leftist bilionaires secretly transforming America by Scott Walter and it is truly astonishing. The one thing I found most disturbing was the Warren Buffet foundation was the largest funder of abortion, through their belief in population control. These leftist billionaires are truly evil narcacists.