Thank you Thomas for another great and informative article. It’s unbelievable to hear the long list of side effects mentioned in these commercials while the visual is of healthy people dancing or a couple sitting in a tub in the forest. To this day, I have never seen a tub in a forest 😉 Ever notice how the narration starts off slowly and then speeds up during the list of side effects? Don’t know whether to laugh or cry. The more medications people take, the more ailments. What a vicious cycle. I’m always baffled by friends and clients who are very health conscious by making sure they eat organic and read every ingredient or are vegetarians or vegan and yet they don’t take any interest in reading about the ingredients in these poison shots. They blindly take these jabs. The other thing I hear is, “I took the shot so I can travel or visit my child in college.” I think to myself, yeah but what if you get injured or die from these poisons. How are you going to travel or visit your kid then?

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Those creative public relations people are just magnificent they know how to spin to deceive and misdirect! The latest spin is to blame Tylenol acetaminophen for autism! I’m sure Johnson and Johnson is not happy about that one!

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Spot on! We will overcome!

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Very informative! I remember Seldane!

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Great article, Thomas.


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Truer words were never spoken. Had an hourlong chat with a neighbor who is a healthcare professional this morning. Same page as Dr. Weil. We kept swapping stories back and forth, I walked away from our chat with a number of good ideas to check out... more and more coming to the same realization.

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Terrific! Spread the word. Check out the Dr. Weil videos on google. Can't find the specific one that I referenced!

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As much as I expect evil from "them" this days - it still blows my mind they've approved this new injection with no safety studies! It just is soooo unbelievable. And Democrats bought $billions of it already. Speechless.

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You are absolutely cortect. Most of the doctors have no idea even what these meds are!!

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