8 more studies found an association between SIDS and vaccinations


includes 5 additional pages on health problems after vaccinations

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Still falling on deaf ears!

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These stories always infuriate me to the blatant greed over humanity!

We started our journey with chickens a few years ago & there is definitely a difference compared to store bought. They are a lot of work. We let them out in the afternoon and they predominantly stay within front and back yard. They never venture more than 200’ from the coup.

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Years ago, a very bright Animal Husbandry guy figured out how to manage egg laying on a production basis. Remember reading the article in Scientific America. They discovered that 25 % of the chickens were breaking their legs. No sunshine no D. They then added just enough D to the feed so they don't break their legs. Who cares if the eggs are less nutritious!

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That’s interesting and makes 100% sense.

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