In 1969 a young married couple I knew had their first child and the infant was a beautiful baby girl. She died in her crib a few months after being born and the cause was declared to be SIDS. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. The medical profession declared it didn’t know why such an event occurs.
Many theories have been put forth. One was that the infant would urinate in the bed and there was a chemical reaction with the foam mattress that caused off gassing and that by using a plastic cover on the mattress would eliminate the problem. The following are the public facts currently:
1386 infants in the US died from SIDS in 2020 (the most recent year data is available). WHY HAVE THEY STOPPED REPORTING?????
SIDS is the second-leading cause of infant death in the US, behind extreme immaturity (2380 deaths in 2020).
Most SIDS cases occur between two and four months old.
Boys make up 61% of SIDS fatalities.
A recent study suggests that an adverse reaction to the vaccine (MMR?) being injected into the infants buttock is the cause. Why? The research indicates they can document that 70% of the SIDS cases occur within 24 hours of the infant being injected.
The question that needs to be asked is: Did the vaccine manufacturers know the true cause and created a new disease of unknown origin called SIDS so they could continue to sell vaccines?
I am positive that the cases of SIDS is underreported and that the leading cause of extreme immaturity causing deaths could be substantially reduced if they ran a blood test on the pregnant mother to be and boosted her Vitamin D blood value to over 50 ng’s. The science is out there and ignored.
The VAERS system which vastly under reports the number of deaths due to the RNA injections stands publicly at around 38,000 over the last 5 years. Estimate by some that the true number is between 500,000 and 1 million. So, it stands to reason that SADS is also occurring. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. It also means that the number of SIDS death have increased because our babies/children are being injected with RNA also.
RFK science team has documented that those who are vaccinated develop most of the chronic diseases that follow them into adulthood. The question needs to be asked: When will NIH headed by RFK Jr. finally come to the conclusion that the main reason domestic birth rates are not sustaining the population growth to maintain our society is caused by irrational government health policies supported and aided and abetted by Big Medicine and Big Pharma?
If you could add up the true harm and deaths caused by the vaccines, the RNA injections over the last 5 years and the excessive number of abortions supported by federal government policies you could easily conclude that they are genocidal in nature.
We now are faced with a fear campaign that is destroying an important source of nutrition called chicken eggs. Vitamin D content plummeted when layers were moved into tin barns. Now they are killing them because of bird flu, which would not be a problem if we moved the chickens outdoors again.
Driving up the cost of food dramatically and the cost of eggs to the point where they will not be consumed readily.
I guess it is time for ordering a chicken coop for the backyard!
My thoughts for the day. What say you?
Thomas A Braun RPh
8 more studies found an association between SIDS and vaccinations
includes 5 additional pages on health problems after vaccinations
These stories always infuriate me to the blatant greed over humanity!
We started our journey with chickens a few years ago & there is definitely a difference compared to store bought. They are a lot of work. We let them out in the afternoon and they predominantly stay within front and back yard. They never venture more than 200’ from the coup.