Indeed amazing life. As a biochemist the more I learn the more convinced I am that evolution is not the sole force resulting in life on Earth. Thr immune systems ability to make recombinations of epitopes ect.. is amazing. Mammalian enzymes may make use of photons since skin harvested electrons convert cholesterol to vit d.. electron transfers within and between biological enzymes and the role of structured water to expedite life. These concepts still intrigue me. I too pray for all who participated in this experiment including my young adult children.
The following is looking less and less farfetched to me.
Suppose there were a cabal of ultra-rich and powerful people who believe that only they know how to solve today's crises. Let's call them the billionaire oligarchs. Maybe they belong to a group like the WEF. Suppose further that they have actually convinced themselves, rightly or wrongly, that climate change is both real and advanced enough that nothing in the realm of traditional economics, individual behavior, or democratic cooperation can be done to avoid total calamity. What might they do?
They might decide that the best way for them to: 1) reduce the worldwide use of natural resources, 2) reduce emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere, and 3) still maintain their oligarchic control over the unwashed masses, is to drastically reduce the global population by means of a pandemic or two.
To exert tight enough control over what would surely become a chaotic downsizing of civilization they might work to establish strict totalitarian rule in combination with mass electronic surveillance, all enforced by both militarized police and the kind of finance-based social control that a central bank digital currency (CBDC) could provide. Are we seeing moves in those directions? Strict authoritarian mandates during the pandemic? Freezing of bank accounts in Canada? Digital Yuan in China? Flagrant censorship on social media? Mass Formation on the way to totalitarianism?
What kind of person would help to engineer massive death around the world using vaccines that make our immune systems vulnerable to otherwise run-of-the-mill viruses? Rather than sociopath or psychopath, Mattias Desmet (author of "The Psychology of Totalitarianism") believes it is more accurate to say that people like Bill Gates are megalomaniacs with god complexes who operate as "leaders" within the context of a huge Mass Formation. The strange interaction between a mass and its leaders is such that traditional terms like sociopath and psychopath don't really capture the situation.
Gates is driven by his fanatical devotion to an ideology which holds that technocratic control over all people will be required to save the world. He has a madness similar to that of Hitler and Stalin. He believes he is going to create a paradise on earth.
At the same time, Gates knows full well that he and his cohorts are lying with their propaganda, and that they are causing collateral damage (even in terms of human lives), but he truly believes it to be justified “for the greater good”. In a way he is as hypnotized as the members of the mass formation are. Gates believes that by exerting tight enough control over the lives of others he and the other elites will be saving the world from climate change, nuclear holocaust, and so on.
Of course, in the end there is no excuse for this kind of behavior. Gates is, in fact, being an instrument of evil. He has lost sight of the values that make us human (if he ever had them to begin with). I don't believe people like Gates will stop unless we the people stop them.
Hollywood may already be producing a Sci-Fi movie about this. Reality is a better source of events and facts than fiction. My fear is we are going down this road and it will continue as long as our Congressman in DC stay silent and not demand a stoppage of the cavalier nano drug development and this lock step march into oblivion by all the parties that believe they are doing the right thing for the "Greater Good"! The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse exists! Fauci (Medical) Biden (political) Gates (Eugenics) Schwab (globalist)!
Excellent post. We as human life exemplify the grand fulfillment of the evolution of life on planet earth. That now as a culture we are willing to risk and destroy the fruit of this beautiful process tells a tale of horror we will take many years to overcome - if that is even possible.
It is ignored by the immune system which is our sentinel to prevent viral
Invasion. The M RNA is wrapped in a glycogen type molecule which the immune system thinks is normal! The molecular structure allows it to attach to cells and be welcomed in! Man believes he can improve on God design and has no concept of how complex our existence is.
Indeed amazing life. As a biochemist the more I learn the more convinced I am that evolution is not the sole force resulting in life on Earth. Thr immune systems ability to make recombinations of epitopes ect.. is amazing. Mammalian enzymes may make use of photons since skin harvested electrons convert cholesterol to vit d.. electron transfers within and between biological enzymes and the role of structured water to expedite life. These concepts still intrigue me. I too pray for all who participated in this experiment including my young adult children.
I'm with you on this view of life. The more we dig into the micro world, the more complex it gets. Amazing.!
Ditto. Some of mine tok. Dear God, Stop the Insanity.
The following is looking less and less farfetched to me.
Suppose there were a cabal of ultra-rich and powerful people who believe that only they know how to solve today's crises. Let's call them the billionaire oligarchs. Maybe they belong to a group like the WEF. Suppose further that they have actually convinced themselves, rightly or wrongly, that climate change is both real and advanced enough that nothing in the realm of traditional economics, individual behavior, or democratic cooperation can be done to avoid total calamity. What might they do?
They might decide that the best way for them to: 1) reduce the worldwide use of natural resources, 2) reduce emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere, and 3) still maintain their oligarchic control over the unwashed masses, is to drastically reduce the global population by means of a pandemic or two.
To exert tight enough control over what would surely become a chaotic downsizing of civilization they might work to establish strict totalitarian rule in combination with mass electronic surveillance, all enforced by both militarized police and the kind of finance-based social control that a central bank digital currency (CBDC) could provide. Are we seeing moves in those directions? Strict authoritarian mandates during the pandemic? Freezing of bank accounts in Canada? Digital Yuan in China? Flagrant censorship on social media? Mass Formation on the way to totalitarianism?
What kind of person would help to engineer massive death around the world using vaccines that make our immune systems vulnerable to otherwise run-of-the-mill viruses? Rather than sociopath or psychopath, Mattias Desmet (author of "The Psychology of Totalitarianism") believes it is more accurate to say that people like Bill Gates are megalomaniacs with god complexes who operate as "leaders" within the context of a huge Mass Formation. The strange interaction between a mass and its leaders is such that traditional terms like sociopath and psychopath don't really capture the situation.
Gates is driven by his fanatical devotion to an ideology which holds that technocratic control over all people will be required to save the world. He has a madness similar to that of Hitler and Stalin. He believes he is going to create a paradise on earth.
At the same time, Gates knows full well that he and his cohorts are lying with their propaganda, and that they are causing collateral damage (even in terms of human lives), but he truly believes it to be justified “for the greater good”. In a way he is as hypnotized as the members of the mass formation are. Gates believes that by exerting tight enough control over the lives of others he and the other elites will be saving the world from climate change, nuclear holocaust, and so on.
Of course, in the end there is no excuse for this kind of behavior. Gates is, in fact, being an instrument of evil. He has lost sight of the values that make us human (if he ever had them to begin with). I don't believe people like Gates will stop unless we the people stop them.
Hollywood may already be producing a Sci-Fi movie about this. Reality is a better source of events and facts than fiction. My fear is we are going down this road and it will continue as long as our Congressman in DC stay silent and not demand a stoppage of the cavalier nano drug development and this lock step march into oblivion by all the parties that believe they are doing the right thing for the "Greater Good"! The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse exists! Fauci (Medical) Biden (political) Gates (Eugenics) Schwab (globalist)!
Excellent post. We as human life exemplify the grand fulfillment of the evolution of life on planet earth. That now as a culture we are willing to risk and destroy the fruit of this beautiful process tells a tale of horror we will take many years to overcome - if that is even possible.
Thank you! We have similar mindsets due to similar experiences in our lives. I hope
through sharing these articles we can educated those who have been hoodwinked.
That would be epic. Believe deeply in the American people. People are smart just too easily misled.
Thank you for all your hard work and explanations.
That's Dr. Robert Malone, not Richard.
This was so sensitive and beautifully written. We are fearfully made.
Thank you.
A Question please? If the mrna is ignored in the human body by design, how does it get in the cells then to produce spike proteins?
It is ignored by the immune system which is our sentinel to prevent viral
Invasion. The M RNA is wrapped in a glycogen type molecule which the immune system thinks is normal! The molecular structure allows it to attach to cells and be welcomed in! Man believes he can improve on God design and has no concept of how complex our existence is.
TY. They seem to think they are approaching God like knowledge. I do worry about their playing around with fire that is irreversible!