Was thalidomide an effort to lower viable pregnancies for population control but it was too obvious with all the malformed children. They have been at this for a while. As Fauci said "the old school vaccines helped a little bit"...hmm ( he said that during the discussions with his colleges where a push is needed for flu vaccines etc....) nobody noticed what fauci said. The old egg based vaccines are ok they help a little bit but he wants to make better ones. The new ones aren't better at all so what did he mean? Better on exactly what? I would argue he meant population control. He also said once: everything is just noise i focus on my task and thats the only thing what matters....not exact but something like that
Thank you again for the valuable, life saving info. Good to have you fighting the rights of us all.
Pass it on to all. We need to miss the iceberg!
Was thalidomide an effort to lower viable pregnancies for population control but it was too obvious with all the malformed children. They have been at this for a while. As Fauci said "the old school vaccines helped a little bit"...hmm ( he said that during the discussions with his colleges where a push is needed for flu vaccines etc....) nobody noticed what fauci said. The old egg based vaccines are ok they help a little bit but he wants to make better ones. The new ones aren't better at all so what did he mean? Better on exactly what? I would argue he meant population control. He also said once: everything is just noise i focus on my task and thats the only thing what matters....not exact but something like that
I don’t believe that was the intent! Just poor science!