The Medicine Man keeps the ball rolling with the push to bring new RNA injections to healthcare, totally ignoring the great harm that has transpired.
See my article:
At the same time the great amount of SOLID evidence that Vitamin D is essential for immune system health and reducing the risk of harm from Covid is ignored.
The VA doesn’t test for Vitamin D deficiency (as well as most other hospitals) that would improve health outcomes for the veterans. Covid patients with D over 50 ng's didn't die! They just keep pushing pyschotropic drugs and all other good things from Big Pharma. Their internal study proved that boosting Vitamin D levels reduced veterans health issues by 50%. Ignored their own study. They just want to grow their own bureaucracy. Cost over run at the Fitzsimmons VA was 1 BILLION dollars!
Grassrootshealth has published multiple research articles demonstrating the TRUE value of Vitamin D. You may read them here:
Vitamin D role in reducing Covid risks!
An IMPORTANT companion nutrient that is essential in restoring and improving the health of those who accepted the injections without knowing the risks involved is NAC! It is a precursor of glutathione that is essential for normal cellular function and especielly the liver. There was a push by Big Pharma two years ago to have NAC removed from OTC status and make it a prescription item. Aspargus is a rich source and they probably want to ban that from the diet too!
Here is a research artcle from NIH that supports the view that if you have had the injections you need NAC!
NAC to offset RNA injection harm!
So the basic issue is why are we not promoting these two nutrients for their importance in maintaining a healthy body? SIMPLE It negates the need to develop the new solution to disease states with the new nano drug injection route that reprograms cellular function and alters human’s DNA, which is the blueprint of life. Medicine Man believes he can improve on Nature/God’s design of humans, when the real core problem is the toxins/chemicals and deficiencies of nutrients found in our present way of producing food. The creation of GMO products and the intense use of herbicides and insecticides has accelerated the problem with over 50% of the US population now being diagnosed with an inflammatory disease.
My random thoughts on Covid and what has really transpired.
The Covid con was and is a push by Darpa/CIA, NIH/Fauci, Big Pharma, Gates, WHO and WEF who’s excited that humans are “hackable”! They all have skin in the game and want pay back! They don’t give a damn that humans are now lab rats! New DC budget ear marks 5 Billion to develop more RNA bio injections! The clowns in DC talk to each other and not the experts!
We know that DARPA has played a central role in the greatest crime against humanity in the 21st. Century! Unfortunately, few in leadership roles will express this. Fear of retribution reins as well as the concern if you are running for political office, it will mean being rejected by voters. I suspect around 40% of the American voters still embrace the injections as being life saving because the mainstream media will not allow the truth tellers to explain the great harm done! They have bought into the medical propaganda machine big time. If DeSantis has the courage to say he was gas lite, then ex-President Trump will need to come front and center and declare he was duped by Fauci, who has been the orchestra leader in this covid con. Will this happen when Moderna and other RNA injection medical machines are investing 100's of billions and billions in new factories and Gates and the other billionaires are investing in these companies because they see this as the new cash cow for Big Pharma? I doubt it! DeSantis and Trump will stay silent! Biden of course will just follow orders. I believe RFK Jr. will not and is our only guiding light. In turn, the money people will try to dim the light.
The medical profession was gas lighted big time and since the majority of physicians are now employees, they just followed the orders from their medical institution which followed the preplanned scenario orders handed down by Fatal Fauci and gang! Consequently, a few brave physicians rejected the Covid con and lost their medical positions and have become the truth tellers that the main stream media still ignores.
I have NO IDEA how this will all end. The fact that the new FEDERAL BUDGET has 5 BILLION ear marked to create new RNA injections says Big Pharma is in control!
Thomas A Braun RPh