your refs and analogies are right on: the problem with trying to "not use" the techonology.. and i don't.. I refuse to use my smart phone or the "square code" ...but one would literally have to MOVE into to a rural area: have a minimum of three acres or less; (we did that,, when we were young. built a hurricane proof house w/ well waster, grew food, learned to can food, did food co ops) back to your posit.. AS I have posted before on many places the OVERWHELMING PROPAGANDA from the many sources in your own house.. in addition to those which are spying on you is over the top. It is really all or none situation. I do have walkie talkies for when we are in the mountains on a frequency but just like w/ Covid the govt "push' for the vax and boosters still continues to this day all paid or by tax payer dollars. I do love your article though.. and I think you are for sure on to something: I am of the belief that Xi for sure is the unseen hand and power now. Russia is taking orders from Xi. the only real proof I have is that for Xi told Putin to wait until AFTER the OLYMPICS.. before Putin invaded Ukraine. There is so much we don't know.. like what is going on in Ukraine that the U.S is hiding from us? I mean facilities? Russians and Ukrainians are related by blood.. literally are very well mixed genetically; Russia is not that rich or powerful.. it has junk equipment, China burns coal.. it is filled w/ brainwashed people,, and has a very rich "ruling class". I mean.. WOW: have you ever read any John Dore? I just found about him,, very interesting.. and also.. the ultimate.. Full Spectrum Dominance assertions by Enghdahl some of which are not strange. Then there is the Global Elite and Klaus Schwabb.. Visions of Austin Powes... come to mind,, well I may go and take a long bath.. I have felt really sick to stomach again. just stress.. the upcoming eye surgery.. all will be well. just keep the faith, EASTER coming! :)
your refs and analogies are right on: the problem with trying to "not use" the techonology.. and i don't.. I refuse to use my smart phone or the "square code" ...but one would literally have to MOVE into to a rural area: have a minimum of three acres or less; (we did that,, when we were young. built a hurricane proof house w/ well waster, grew food, learned to can food, did food co ops) back to your posit.. AS I have posted before on many places the OVERWHELMING PROPAGANDA from the many sources in your own house.. in addition to those which are spying on you is over the top. It is really all or none situation. I do have walkie talkies for when we are in the mountains on a frequency but just like w/ Covid the govt "push' for the vax and boosters still continues to this day all paid or by tax payer dollars. I do love your article though.. and I think you are for sure on to something: I am of the belief that Xi for sure is the unseen hand and power now. Russia is taking orders from Xi. the only real proof I have is that for Xi told Putin to wait until AFTER the OLYMPICS.. before Putin invaded Ukraine. There is so much we don't know.. like what is going on in Ukraine that the U.S is hiding from us? I mean facilities? Russians and Ukrainians are related by blood.. literally are very well mixed genetically; Russia is not that rich or powerful.. it has junk equipment, China burns coal.. it is filled w/ brainwashed people,, and has a very rich "ruling class". I mean.. WOW: have you ever read any John Dore? I just found about him,, very interesting.. and also.. the ultimate.. Full Spectrum Dominance assertions by Enghdahl some of which are not strange. Then there is the Global Elite and Klaus Schwabb.. Visions of Austin Powes... come to mind,, well I may go and take a long bath.. I have felt really sick to stomach again. just stress.. the upcoming eye surgery.. all will be well. just keep the faith, EASTER coming! :)
Interesting comments. After almost 75 years some of the WWII motivations are being reveiled.